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Bugs & Issues v4.2.X #807

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alper created
Support Team Director

To update your version to the latest (v4.2) for both ABP CLI and ABP Suite run the following command

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli && abp suite update

v4.2 Preview Version Notes https://blog.abp.io/abp/ABP-IO-Platform-v4-2-RC-Has-Been-Released

v4.2 Final Version Notes https://blog.abp.io/abp/ABP.IO-Platform-4-2-Final-Has-Been-Released

94 Answer(s)
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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Thanks for your information @sgal. I reproduced your problem and as you say user interface (Angular) could not be generated. I've created an issue about it.

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    bqabani created


    I have a working abp in local environment, when I published to local staging server (without https) it runs but no login links work, all (Login) links in menu and homepage does not do anything!

    I have no error in console.

    Any idea?

    It is 4.2 version (Angular) Commercial

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    bqabani created

    The issue is solved by changing http to be https (unfortunately there is no error message to tell the the issue, you just need to guess!)


    I have a working abp in local environment, when I published to local staging server (without https) it runs but no login links work, all (Login) links in menu and homepage does not do anything!

    I have no error in console.

    Any idea?

    It is 4.2 version (Angular) Commercial

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    jackmcelhinney created

    Hello! Two small bugs to report:

    1. With Angular UI, the Administration sidebar menu closes after selecting an element. For example, starting from the Home page, click Administration->Identity Management->Roles. It navigates to the Roles page but the Administration menu collapses. Not sure if this was introduced in 4.1 or 4.2 as we upgraded from 4.0 to 4.2.

    2. The lockout message in English could use a few fixes. Please notice the bold and strike-through below.

    Your account has been locked by the admin or due to invalid login attempts. Please try again later. Contact ~~to~~ your system administrator if you think this is a mistake.

    As always, thanks for the help!


    Here are two more:

    1. With Angular UI, when signed in with an account that does not have any administration permissions, the administration menu button briefly shows when clicking other menu items. This happens frequently but seemingly randomly.
    2. The cancel button on the login page does not properly return to the unauthenticated app when using Angular UI. It seems to redirect to http://localhost:4200/?error=access_denied and throws this error in the console:

    core.js:4197 ERROR OAuthErrorEvent {type: "code_error", reason: {…}, params: {…}}

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    alper created
    Support Team Director


    1. I think it's fixed in the latest version. I couldn't reproduce it on our demo website which is also Angular commercial.abp.io/demo

    2. The text is updated

    For the last 2 items, I created an issue.

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    ilitzy created


    I don't know if this was the intended behaviour, but the date picker allows you to set a year having 6 digits :)) ! structure: MVC+Mongo+separated IdentityServer. Thank you in advance and keep up the good work!

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    murat.yuceer created

    Hi, Suite not create generate files for blazor in module template. Can you fix it in 4.3? We are doing same think for copy past on application template.

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @ilitzy your template pls? blazor, mvc, angular.

    @murat.yuceer 4.3 RC deployment is still ongoing so some packages maybe still in publish phase.

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    serdar.genc@talentra.net created

    1.I created a new project ( MVC - EF - 4.2.2) 2. Add Lepton Theme module with source code.

    1. And :

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    tomcic created

    1.I created a new project ( MVC - EF - 4.2.2)

    1. Add Identity module with source code

    2. On build I see error in d:\abptest2\src\Test.Domain.Shared\TestDomainSharedModule.cs(38,23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name "AbpIdentityProDomainSharedModule" could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)[d:\abptest2\src\Test.Domain.Shared\Test.Domain.Shared.csproj]

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    serdar.genc@talentra.net created

    1.I created a new project ( MVC - EF - 4.2.2) 2. Add Lepton Theme module with source code.

    1. And :

    any comment ?

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    hi @serdar,

    this on my list, I'll check this tomorrow.

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    1.I created a new project ( MVC - EF - 4.2.2)
    2. Add Lepton Theme module with source code.

    1. And :

    any comment ?

    New packages have been added to Lepton, some of them have been renamed. we made it backwards compatible, but since we cannot change the 4.2.2 version of the CLI. You should do it with 4.3.0 RC version. Or you can completely update your project to the latest preview (if that's not a problem for you)

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    yekalkan created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    If you don't want to update your project to v4.3.0, you can run the following Cli commands:

    dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Cli -g --version 4.3.0-rc.2 abp add-module Volo.LeptonTheme --with-source-code --add-to-solution-file (Run in the folder of the .Sln file of your project) dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Cli -g

    This commands will install ABP CLI with the latest preview version, add LeptonTheme correctly and them switch ABP CLI version back to 4.2.2

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    serdar.genc@talentra.net created

    1.I created a new project ( MVC - EF - 4.2.2)
    2. Add Lepton Theme module with source code.

    1. And :

    any comment ?

    New packages have been added to Lepton, some of them have been renamed. we made it backwards compatible, but since we cannot change the 4.2.2 version of the CLI. You should do it with 4.3.0 RC version. Or you can completely update your project to the latest preview (if that's not a problem for you)

    ok, Alper. I'm looking forward to 4.3 Release already.

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    serdar.genc@talentra.net created


    If you don't want to update your project to v4.3.0, you can run the following Cli commands:

    dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Cli -g --version 4.3.0-rc.2 abp add-module Volo.LeptonTheme --with-source-code --add-to-solution-file (Run in the folder of the .Sln file of your project) dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g dotnet tool install Volo.Abp.Cli -g

    This commands will install ABP CLI with the latest preview version, add LeptonTheme correctly and them switch ABP CLI version back to 4.2.2

    Thanks @yekalkan. I will use this.

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    scott7106 created

    There is an issue with the current UnitOfWork system of the ABP Framework. Please see https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/8740 for the details. As of now, I can confirm the issue in 4.2.2 which is my current version. I have not tested additional versions.

    The code for the AppService.UpdateAsync method which gets generated by ABP Suite is problematic. The default for the autoSave parameter is false which may fail silently in certain situations.

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @scott7106 I've checked the issue and related Suite template will be updated in v4.31. For a workaround you can update your Suite template. Open Suite, go to Templates tab. Search for AppService.txt

    Find the UpdateAsync line and add the autoSave: true argument.

    %%entity-name-camelcase%% = await _%%entity-name-camelcase%%Repository.UpdateAsync(%%entity-name-camelcase%%, autoSave: true);

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    ServiceBot created
    Support Team Automatic process manager

    This question has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 10, 2025, 13:23