- Template: app
- Abp version: 9.0.0
- Created ABP Studio Version: 0.9.11
- Tiered: No
- UI Framework: blazor-server
- Theme: leptonx
- Theme Style: system
- Database Provider: ef
- Database Management System: sqlserver
- Separate Tenant Schema: Yes
- Mobile Framework: maui
- Public Website: Yes
- Optional Modules:
- TextTemplateManagement
- LanguageManagement
- AuditLogging
- SaaS
- OpenIddictAdmin
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
generate new app solution with abp studio Add a method to an appservice Execute method via swagger Receive antiforgery token error.
2024-11-22 11:36:09.728 -07:00 [WRN] The required antiforgery header value "RequestVerificationToken" is not present.
2024-11-22 11:36:09.729 -07:00 [INF] Authorization failed for the request at filter 'Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.AntiForgery.AbpAutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAuthorizationFilter'.
2024-11-22 11:36:09.730 -07:00 [INF] Executing StatusCodeResult, setting HTTP status code 400
Was this broken again with the move to 9?
similar to old post where this was already fixed in v4 https://abp.io/support/questions/554/REST-API-Antiforgery-Cookie-Error-After-POST-apiLogin---POST-apimyentity-Call-Sequence
5 Answer(s)
We will fix the problem.
you can try
add index.js to
/* Source: https://gist.github.com/lamberta/3768814 * Parse a string function definition and return a function object. Does not use eval. * @param {string} str * @return {function} * * Example: * var f = function (x, y) { return x * y; }; * var g = parseFunction(f.toString()); * g(33, 3); //=> 99 */ function parseFunction(str) { if (!str) return void (0); var fn_body_idx = str.indexOf('{'), fn_body = str.substring(fn_body_idx + 1, str.lastIndexOf('}')), fn_declare = str.substring(0, fn_body_idx), fn_params = fn_declare.substring(fn_declare.indexOf('(') + 1, fn_declare.lastIndexOf(')')), args = fn_params.split(','); args.push(fn_body); function Fn() { return Function.apply(this, args); } Fn.prototype = Function.prototype; return new Fn(); } window.onload = function () { var configObject = JSON.parse('{"urls":[{"url":"/swagger/v1/swagger.json","name":"Qa API"}],"deepLinking":false,"persistAuthorization":false,"displayOperationId":false,"defaultModelsExpandDepth":1,"defaultModelExpandDepth":1,"defaultModelRendering":"example","displayRequestDuration":false,"docExpansion":"list","showExtensions":false,"showCommonExtensions":false,"supportedSubmitMethods":["get","put","post","delete","options","head","patch","trace"],"tryItOutEnabled":false,"oidcSupportedFlows":["authorization_code"],"oidcSupportedScopes":["Qa"],"oidcDiscoveryEndpoint":"https://localhost:44303/.well-known/openid-configuration"}'); var oauthConfigObject = JSON.parse('{"clientId":"Qa_Swagger","scopeSeparator":" ","scopes":[],"useBasicAuthenticationWithAccessCodeGrant":false,"usePkceWithAuthorizationCodeGrant":false}'); // Workaround for https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/5945 configObject.urls.forEach(function (item) { if (item.url.startsWith("http") || item.url.startsWith("/")) return; item.url = window.location.href.replace("index.html", item.url).split('#')[0]; }); // If validatorUrl is not explicitly provided, disable the feature by setting to null if (!configObject.hasOwnProperty("validatorUrl")) configObject.validatorUrl = null // If oauth2RedirectUrl isn't specified, use the built-in default if (!configObject.hasOwnProperty("oauth2RedirectUrl")) configObject.oauth2RedirectUrl = (new URL("oauth2-redirect.html", window.location.href)).href; // Apply mandatory parameters configObject.dom_id = "#swagger-ui"; configObject.presets = [SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis, SwaggerUIStandalonePreset]; configObject.layout = "StandaloneLayout"; // Parse and add interceptor functions var interceptors = JSON.parse('{}'); if (interceptors.RequestInterceptorFunction) configObject.requestInterceptor = parseFunction(interceptors.RequestInterceptorFunction); if (interceptors.ResponseInterceptorFunction) configObject.responseInterceptor = parseFunction(interceptors.ResponseInterceptorFunction); if (configObject.plugins) { configObject.plugins = configObject.plugins.map(eval); } // Begin Swagger UI call region const ui = abp.SwaggerUIBundle(configObject); ui.initOAuth(oauthConfigObject); // End Swagger UI call region window.ui = ui }
app.UseSwagger(); var resolver = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<ISwaggerHtmlResolver>(); app.UseSwaggerUI(options => { options.InjectJavascript("ui/abp.js"); options.InjectJavascript("ui/abp.swagger.js"); options.IndexStream = () => resolver?.Resolver(); options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Qa API"); var configuration = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>(); options.OAuthClientId(configuration["AuthServer:SwaggerClientId"]); });
@liangshiwei Will this fix also work if we are still using abp 8.3.X but need to update our Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to 6.8.1?
Will this fix also work if we are still using abp 8.3.X but need to update our Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to 6.8.1?
The problem will fixed in the 9.0.x version.
Hi, when will this be fixed? It is getting a little annoying that I have to add custom ABP code to fix ABP bugs whenever we upgrade our ABP version. Upgrading an ABP version and suddenly not being able to use Swagger is not ideal... feels like something that should have been caught before 9 went out.
It will fixed in the 9.0.2 version. We will ensure that such a problem does not occur again.