- ABP Framework version: v8.3.0
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server.)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
- Exception message and full stack trace:none
- Steps to reproduce the issue: Hi, Layered Solution Architecture How to add API gateway, I want to proxy the api through the gateway in order to provide services to the outside world, currently I follow Microservice template to create my gateway project, it successfully proxies hostapi service but it is not able to get authorization for authserver what should I do with it, can it be proxied through the gateway?
"ReverseProxy": {
"Routes": {
"UnifiedApi": {
"ClusterId": "HostApiServer",
"Match": {
"Path": "/api/{**catch-all}"
"UnifiedApiSwagger": {
"ClusterId": "HostApiServer",
"Match": {
"Path": "/swagger-json/HostApiServer/swagger/v1/swagger.json"
"Transforms": [
{ "PathRemovePrefix": "/swagger-json/HostApiServer" }
//// 授权服务的路由
//"AuthServerWellKnown": {
// "ClusterId": "AuthServer",
// "Match": {
// "Path": "/.well-known/openid-configuration"
// },
// "Order": 1
//"AuthServerConnectEndpoints": {
// "ClusterId": "AuthServer",
// "Match": {
// "Path": "/connect/{**catch-all}"
// },
// "Order": 2
"Clusters": {
"HostApiServer": {
"Destinations": {
"HostApiServer": {
"Address": "http://localhost:44362/"
//"AuthServer": {
// "Destinations": {
// "AuthServer": {
// "Address": "http://localhost:44333/"
// }
// }
5 Answer(s)
I want to proxy the api through the gateway
Gateway is like a reverse proxy server.
Your auth server is
but your swagger website can't reach the auth server.Is
available? -
I want to proxy the api through the gateway
Gateway is like a reverse proxy server.
Your auth server is
but your swagger website can't reach the auth server.Is
available?I think I've solved it, I've proxied both authserver and hostapi through gateway, and now I'm left with the last one, and I don't know why I'm getting multiple inputs.
if (IsSwaggerEnabled(configuration)) { app.UseSwagger(); app.UseAbpSwaggerUI(options => { ConfigureSwaggerUI(proxyConfig, options, configuration); }); app.UseRewriter(CreateSwaggerRewriteOptions()); } private static bool IsSwaggerEnabled(IConfiguration configuration) { return bool.Parse(configuration["Swagger:IsEnabled"] ?? "true"); } private void ConfigureSwagger(ServiceConfigurationContext context, IConfiguration configuration) { if (IsSwaggerEnabled(configuration)) { context.Services.AddAbpSwaggerGen(); } } private static void ConfigureSwaggerUI( IProxyConfig proxyConfig, SwaggerUIOptions options, IConfiguration configuration) { foreach (var cluster in proxyConfig.Clusters) { options.SwaggerEndpoint($"/swagger-json/{cluster.ClusterId}/swagger/v1/swagger.json", $"{cluster.ClusterId} API"); } options.OAuthClientId(configuration["AuthServer:SwaggerClientId"]); options.OAuthScopes( "Unified" ); }
Can you check the swagger html page? Maybe it loaded some javascript files multiple times.
Gateway is like a reverse proxy server.
thank u,it's worked, I'm just using the gateway as a proxy, I don't need to use swagger like microservices, previously I referenced the microservices template.
: )