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Passwordless OPT Grant #8645

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Navneet@aol.com.au created
  • ABP Framework version: v8.2.3
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (PostgreSQL) /
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
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Hello Abp team,

Could you please guide me on how can I add a PasswordLess OTP grant type in the MVC application?

I have managed to create a checkbox "PasswordLess OTP" in OpenIddictApplication --> Create and Update UI by extending the entity, how to wire up the check box allow PasswordLess OTP grant type

Thanks, Navneet

8 Answer(s)
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    Navneet@aol.com.au created

    Hi team,

    I found a way to hook it up with UI by overriding the ApplicationAppService. However, I still need help to create "PasswordLess OTP" grant type

    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    [ExposeServices(typeof(IApplicationAppService), typeof(ApplicationAppService), typeof(MyApplicationAppService))]
    public class MyApplicationAppService : ApplicationAppService
        public MyApplicationAppService(IOpenIddictApplicationManager applicationManager, 
        IOpenIddictApplicationRepository applicationRepository) : base(applicationManager, applicationRepository)
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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can see this https://abp.io/community/articles/how-to-add-a-custom-grant-type-in-openiddict.-6v0df94z

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    Navneet@aol.com.au created

    Thanks, Liangshiwei for sharing the link, it is a useful resource, but you need to go through it to understand.

    1. Just trying to understand, if the custom grant is to validate the token, how can I generate it in the first place?

    2. Also, how to make the login screen remove the password field if the user has opted for passwordless OTP, it needs to be dynamic to allow users with and without PasswordLess OTP

    Thanks, Navneet

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Just trying to understand, if the custom grant is to validate the token, how can I generate it in the first place?

    Here is a simple article https://abp.io/community/articles/implementing-passwordless-authentication-with-asp.net-core-identity-c25l8koj

    You just need to call this method and then redirect to the return URL. await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);

    Also, how to make the login screen remove the password field if the user has opted for passwordless OTP, it needs to be dynamic to allow users with and without PasswordLess OTP

    You can override the login page.

    abp get-source Volo.Abp.Account.Pro -v 8.2.3

    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    public class MyCustomLoginModel : OpenIddictSupportedLoginModel
        public string ClientId {get;set;}
        public bool IsOptLogin {get; set } 
        public MyCustomLoginModel(IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemeProvider, IOptions<AbpAccountOptions> accountOptions, IAbpRecaptchaValidatorFactory recaptchaValidatorFactory, IAccountExternalProviderAppService accountExternalProviderAppService, ICurrentPrincipalAccessor currentPrincipalAccessor, IOptions<IdentityOptions> identityOptions, IOptionsSnapshot<reCAPTCHAOptions> reCaptchaOptions, AbpOpenIddictRequestHelper openIddictRequestHelper) : base(schemeProvider, accountOptions, recaptchaValidatorFactory, accountExternalProviderAppService, currentPrincipalAccessor, identityOptions, reCaptchaOptions, openIddictRequestHelper)
        public override async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync()
            var openIddictRequest = await OpenIddictRequestHelper.GetFromReturnUrlAsync(base.ReturnUrl);
            ClientId = openIddictRequest.ClientId;
            // check is opt login
            IsOptLogin = ......;
            return await base.OnGetAsync();


    @using Qa
    @model MyCustomLoginModel
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    Navneet@aol.com.au created

    HI liangshiwei,

    Do you mean to use the below to generate a token?

    await UserManager.GenerateUserTokenAsync(adminUser, "PasswordlessLoginProvider","passwordless-auth");

    In regards to the custom grant type, I have found the code below in Ticket no. 8041, this is two month old post and has claims and resources of the user.

    Does this code look correct to you for my purpose, or do you think I should remove any unnecessary things as it does not have your suggested code: await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);

    public class EmpowermTokenExtensionGrant : ITokenExtensionGrant
        public const string ExtensionGrantName = "PasswordlessLoginProvider";
        public string Name => ExtensionGrantName;
        public async Task<IActionResult> HandleAsync(ExtensionGrantContext context)
            var userToken = context.Request.GetParameter("token").ToString();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userToken))
                return new ForbidResult(
                    new[] { OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme },
                    properties: new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary<string, string>
                        [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Error] = OpenIddictConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest
            var userId = context.Request.GetParameter("userid").ToString();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                return new ForbidResult(
                    new[] { OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme },
                    properties: new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary<string, string>
                        [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Error] = OpenIddictConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest
            var userManager = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<EmpowermIdentityUserManager>();
            var user = await userManager.GetByIdAsync(userId);
            if(!await UserManager.VerifyUserTokenAsync(user, "PasswordlessLoginProvider", "passwordless-auth", token))
                return new ForbidResult(
                    new[] { OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme },
                    properties: new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary<string, string>
                        [OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Error] = OpenIddictConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest
            var userClaimsPrincipalFactory = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser>>();
            var claimsPrincipal = await userClaimsPrincipalFactory.CreateAsync(user);
            claimsPrincipal.SetResources(await GetResourcesAsync(context, principal.GetScopes()));
            await context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<AbpOpenIddictClaimsPrincipalManager>().HandleAsync(context.Request, claimsPrincipal);
            return new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.SignInResult(OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, claimsPrincipal);
        private async Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetResourcesAsync(ExtensionGrantContext context, ImmutableArray<string> scopes)
            var resources = new List<string>();
            if (!scopes.Any())
                return resources;
            await foreach (var resource in context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IOpenIddictScopeManager>().ListResourcesAsync(scopes))
            return resources;

    Thanks, Navneet

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Do you mean to use the below to generate a token?

    This is a way to generate verification tokens

    await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);

    This code is used to login to the application and generate access_token.

    Does this code look correct to you for my purpose

    I think you don't need to it, you just need to override the login page.

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    Navneet@aol.com.au created

    You can see this https://abp.io/community/articles/how-to-add-a-custom-grant-type-in-openiddict.-6v0df94z

    So I don't need to create a Custom Grant?

    . I just need to override the login page to verify the 6-digit code received by email via UserManager.GenerateUserTokenAsync(adminUser, "PasswordlessLoginProvider","passwordless-auth");

    That should work, am I correct?

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    yes, it's right. you can give it a try.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 06, 2025, 11:50