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"Issue with Saving TenantId and UserId in AuditLog Table from token in ABP 8.3.3 with .NET 8.0 " #8708

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nayan.ranjane@softtech-engr.com created

Regarding the issue with the AuditLog table, the Username from the token is being stored correctly, but TenantId and UserId are not being saved in the AuditLog table. This is happening in the ABP 8.3.3 framework with .NET 8.0.

In .net 8.0, I added three packages [abp.zerocore.identityserver4\6.0.0
identitymodel\7.0.0]to use the [Authorize] attribute in my application. Without these packages, I couldn't debug the application. After adding them, I was able to debug the application and save AuditLog data, including the Username. However, the TenantId and UserId are still not being stored. i can see them in application while debugging these are getting as null What could be the reason for this issue?

the application zip link is below https://softtech360-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/vinay_kumar_softtech-engr_com/EZRcNqsn529Ok7ZoOkXUOZMBEzpPIz_x9AQHDbPWpWDmgw?e=NCoCfO

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hello, first of all, sorry for the late reply, this was somehow overlooked.

    I downloaded and ran your application to understand your problem. However, your application contains too much custom code and I see that you have changed some logic of the ABP framework. It is not possible for me to understand the problem through this application. By the way, I can't reproduce the problem when I test it in ABP's application startup template. I want to help you but this application contains too much custom code, if you can send me a minimal reproducible example instead, we can move much faster. You also mentioned that you added packages such as abp.zerocore.identityserver, 3chum.identityserver4.accesstokenvalidation to your application for the Authorize attribute to work and you cannot debug without them. I can definitely say that there is something wrong somewhere, you should never need these packages for these problems, ABP already handles these processes itself. For this, I strongly suggest you to compare the dependencies and configurations of ABP's Startup Template with the dependencies and configurations of your own application.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 13, 2025, 10:35