How do we hide columns? We have a few properties that are text areas with a lot of text. They blow up the datagrid so we want to hide them and only display them on separate Tabs when editing. With a Layered Application, what's the right way to set the visibility of those columns to hidden and then add those properties to their own tab when editing?
ABP Framework version: 0.9.22 UI Type: Blazor Server Database System: EF Core (SQL Server) Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular)**: no Exception message and full stack trace: n/a Steps to reproduce the issue: n/a
4 Answer(s)
Hi Granade, I’d like to understand your question better: Are you trying to hide the DataGrid columns in pages you’ve created yourself, or are you referring to the DataGrids in pages provided by ABP’s modules?
Yes, created by ABP Modules using ABP Suite. Specifically, we have a SQL column storing XML templates with variables in it that get populated when requested by an API. So, we need to be able to edit those templates (text areas) but they are so large we don't want to display them on the data grid. In this quick example, we don't want to show the column 'full description' in the attached image.
Instead, when we edit, then we would want Full Description to be a separate Tab on that form to be edited but not on the datagrid.
Hello Granade 👋,
Thank you for your explanation. In Suite’s code generation page, when adding a property, you can choose whether the column should be displayed in the list. If you don’t check this option, the column won’t appear in the DataGrid. Would this solution work for you?
Here is the example:
That's what I needed. My bad, I was looking all over and missed what was right in front of me. Thanks.