- ABP Framework version: v8.3
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
Hi abp support team, I read the documents about Organization Unit and filtering data (Doc1, Doc2) , and implement this with following steps:
- create IHasOrganizationUnit interface with property OrganizationUnitId
- create entity SampleEntity and implement the interface
- develop Filter in DbContext and add equal expresion to this filter
- develop ShouldFilterEntity for disabling and enabling this filter
- create Sample AppService class and implement GetList of data
now i can filter data with User Organization Unit in the appService as well.
Question: Is there any way that i can change filterType in AppService and filter data for:
- list of OrganizationUnit, as List of User's Organization Units,
- or User Organization Unit and its dependent Organization Unit in the hierarchy,
- or something else?
3 Answer(s)
or User Organization Unit and its dependent Organization Unit in the hierarchy,
Hi, you can use the IdentityUserAppService's
GetOrganizationUnitsAsync(Guid id)
to get a user's all organization units. The result will beList<OrganizationUnitDto>
and you can see the parentId's of the related organization units. If it's null, then it means it's a root organization unit.Regards.
or User Organization Unit and its dependent Organization Unit in the hierarchy,
Hi, you can use the IdentityUserAppService's
GetOrganizationUnitsAsync(Guid id)
to get a user's all organization units. The result will beList<OrganizationUnitDto>
and you can see the parentId's of the related organization units. If it's null, then it means it's a root organization unit.Regards.
thanks for your attention to this question,
this method is perfect for finding user's Organization Unit.
but i need change filter type of my Entity from "equal" to "contain" as i need in business AppService, (i implement OU as same as this document)
i mean: Situation 1: AppService1 gets data from my Entity with eaual filter type (set in DbContext Filter for OU) for current user's Organization Unit. Situation 2: AppService2 gets data from my Entity with contains filter type for List of user's Organization Unit and its hierarchy units.
please give me additional information about above situations.
Best Regards.
i mean:
Situation 1: AppService1 gets data from my Entity with eaual filter type (set in DbContext Filter for OU) for current user's Organization Unit.
Situation 2: AppService2 gets data from my Entity with contains filter type for List of user's Organization Unit and its hierarchy units.Hi, if I understood you correctly, for the first situation you want to apply the data filter and for the second one, you don't want to apply the data-filter and only query according to input filters. The first thing came to my mind is disabling data-filter according to a bool parameter value.
Assume that you have a repository interface as below:
public interface IMyRepository : IRepository<TEntity> { Task<List<TEntity>> GetAllAsync(/* other params... */, bool ignoreOUFilters = false); }
In the repository implementation you can do something like:
public async Task<List<TEntity>> GetAllAsync(/* other params... */, bool ignoreOUFilters = false) { if(ignoreOUFilters) { using(DataFilter.Disable<IHasOrganization>()) { return await GetAllInternalAsync(/* other args... */, ignoreOUFilters); } } return await GetAllInternalAsync(/* other args... */, ignoreOUFilters); } private async Task<List<TEntity>> GetAllInternalAsync(/* other params... */, bool ignoreOUFilters = false) { //your query logic }
Then, calling the repository method, pass if you want to allow has-organization data-filter or not.