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Does license check still bloc dev after license expires? #912

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Before hiring one of my clients for a new project, I need to clarify the situation we will face when the license expires. Or to be more precise, when my client wants to bring in one of his developers in a few years and I won't be around anymore.

Currently, if a developer in my team doesn't have a valid license, they cannot run the project. I've tried with and without debbug and it doesn't change anything, project won't start. It seems normal since we have to attach it to a valid license. But what will happen when there is no more license.

Will we have to remove 'AbpLicenseCode' from appsettings.json ? Will the developers be able to debug ? Will there be other constraints ?

The nuget.config contains a reference to a commercial url.

Will this url still work?

3 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    In the active license period, all developer seats are being validated via license server. after the license expires you can continue your development with the specified developer seat limits.

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    Thank you for your answer, but it is still unclear.

    You say "after the license expires you can continue your development with the specified developer seat limits". This means that we will always be required to respect a license since the number of places remains limited ?

    Sorry to insist, but if so I put myself in the shoes of my customers who will want to upgrade their applications in a few years : If a new team that does not have an abp commercial license wishes to develop an application based on abp commercial, what will be the constraints?

    Will we have to remove 'AbpLicenseCode' from appsettings.json ? Will the developers be able to debug ? Will there be other constraints ?

    The nuget.config contains a reference to a commercial url. Will this url still work?

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    Will we have to remove 'AbpLicenseCode' from appsettings.json ? No, this will stop your development. The AbpLicenseCode is an offline license validation. Will the developers be able to debug ? Yes. Will there be other constraints ? After your license expires, you will be still developing your project. ABP commercial license is a perpetual license. The nuget.config contains a reference to a commercial url. Will this url still work? Yes you'll still be able to get minor patch updates


Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 20, 2025, 07:44