I have integrated commercial code into my open source so downloaded modules folders as per my need so after that resolved all the errors and db creation is also one. Now, it's creating only empty tables no seed data as well as no default data is inserting into a tables. Also If I am running migrator it's asking for abp license so can you please suggest me solution for this.
2 Answer(s)
You cannot integrate commercial into an open-source project. By doing this you allow ABP Commercial to be publicy available which violates the license rules. If you want to make an open-source project you can make it with the ABP open source (community) edition.
This is clearly stated in Terms & Conditions
3. Intellectual Property
3.2 Subject to Clause 6 you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use material from the Web Site unless otherwise indicated on the Web Site or unless given express written permission to do so by Volosoft Bilişim Anonim Şirketi.