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Activities of "KuldeepRathi"

when we configure the wild card domain in identity server 4 client cors, it gives the error,

Error logs, [07:36:55 DBG] Start token request. [07:36:55 DBG] Start client validation [07:36:55 DBG] Start parsing Basic Authentication secret [07:36:55 DBG] Start parsing for secret in post body [07:36:55 DBG] Parser found secret: PostBodySecretParser [07:36:55 DBG] Secret id found: Civit.Admin [07:36:56 ERR] Invalid client configuration for client Admin: AllowedCorsOrigins contains invalid origin: https://{0}.test.in [07:36:56 INF] {"ClientId": "Admin", "ClientName": "Admin", "Category": "Error", "Name": "Invalid Client Configuration", "EventType": "Error", "Id": 3001, "Message": "AllowedCorsOrigins contains invalid origin: https://{0}.test.in", "ActivityId": "0HMF63R3IBHP2:00000002", "TimeStamp": "2022-02-02T07:36:56.0000000Z", "ProcessId": 1, "LocalIpAddress": "::ffff:", "RemoteIpAddress": "::ffff:", "$type": "InvalidClientConfigurationEvent"} [07:36:56 INF] {"ClientId": "Admin", "Category": "Authentication", "Name": "Client Authentication Failure", "EventType": "Failure", "Id": 1011, "Message": "Unknown client", "ActivityId": "0HMF63R3IBHP2:00000002", "TimeStamp": "2022-02-02T07:36:56.0000000Z", "ProcessId": 1, "LocalIpAddress": "::ffff:", "RemoteIpAddress": "::ffff:", "$type": "ClientAuthenticationFailureEvent"} [07:36:56 ERR] No client with id 'Admin' found. aborting [07:36:56 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.0 POST https://localhost:44315/connect/token application/x-www-form-urlencoded 150 - 400 - application/json;+charset=UTF-8 4603.2315ms

how to resolve this error, or what is the configuration for the identity server 4 client cors origins for the wild card domain

Is there any configuration settings to ensure that a format of tokens? we need to configure reference or jwt token in alphanumeric format only, is it possible?

We have a requirement of authenticating users with username and password only. we want to disable the tenant query filter for a particular API call (/connect/token) and return tenantId when we access in the token. This filter should not be disabled always.

Example:- in one application, only access the tenant admin. but our the requirement is user does not select the tenant from the dropdown or do not enter tenant name, use only enter the username and password Requirement:- without tenant id validate the tenant admin based on username and password, return tenantId from the user info endpoint, so we can validate the tenantId and role to validate access

We are looking for creating/updating a tenant without using host admin login. we have created custom web forms for tenant registration which are publicly available please suggest best practices and related API for the same


You can pass the token to Abp Commercial, and log in to the Abp Commercial after verification the token.

it's custom logic or any predefined method available in ABP Commercial? if predefined methods or endpoint, provide me the list of endpoints and methods?

in Abp Commerical can we login without a username and password to login?

Example:- there are two applications, 1. AbpCommercial and 2. Normal MVC App In the MVC application, we implemented the register and login pages and call the Abp commercial's API for registration and login (Abp Commercial token API) In the MVC application, generate a token from Abp Commercial using password grant_type and login based on Cookies now, we want to login in ABP commercial using the MVC application, is it possible?

How to implement you directory and file APIs/ functions if Storage and web servers are different? Do you have any recommendation or sample code for same?

we want to define Jurisdictions of each user and want to use in work flow/approval flows. do you have any provision available in abp framework?

i already tried this but it's not working,

this piece of code add in WebModule

any another configuration ?

any other configuration for Restrict user to multiple login ?

i already tried this but it's not working,

this piece of code add in WebModule

any another configuration ?

Showing 1 to 10 of 16 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 10, 2025, 13:23