Activities of ""

Hi gterdem,

Many thx for replying on behalf of Anjali, I will try your suggestions, however, I am still not sure how to pre-authenticated only selected users, if you look at the screenshot earlier, I want to control users' access to the application and in generating token via https://localhost:44359/connect/token

Regards, Navneet

Hi Anjali,

Hope you are doing well Any update on this

Thx, Navneet

Hi Anjali,

Just checking if there is any suggestion or help

Regards Navneet

Hi Anjali, any update?

Thx, Navneet

Hi Anjali,

Any update?

Thx, Navneet

Hi Anjali,

It's not working with MVC, please see the attached screenshot

. . . By default, all users have access to all applications in the screenshot below, I want to restrict the access to applications and don't want them to get tokens as well when they use Postman https://localhost:44359/connect/token, how can I restrict the access by USER or ROLE management

Many thx, Navneet

Thanks Anjali, I will try and come back to you

ABP Suite most wanted feature has been implemented. Your custom code will not be overwritten anymore

This is Amazing addition to Suite. Well done ABP Team.

Can ABP team create a customisation sample for us to learn for-example adding collection/List to RootEntity, Domain Services, EFcore and Application Services and then regenerate based code

  1. Love to see if ABP Suite can generate separate pages for Create and Edit Model.
  2. When creating a new layered Application via ABP Suite, an option to add all UI (MVC, Blazor, Maui, Angler...) in one go, similar is already possible with Module but not with Application.
  3. Generate CRUD from Entity Classes


In your code suggestions what is the reason to use Ignore(), see below

Add automapper config:

CreateMap<OpenIddictApplication, ApplicationDto>() .ForMember(des=>des.Scopes,src =>src.Ignore()) .ForMember(des=>des.PostLogoutRedirectUris,src =>src.Ignore()) .ForMember(des=>des.RedirectUris,src =>src.Ignore());

So far I didn’t have success to configure user permission.

If any other user have manage to achieve it, then please share, otherwise all good to close this ticket

Regards Navneet

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21