You need to add the claims manually.
https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Modules/OpenIddict#updating-claims-in-access_token-and-id_token https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Authorization#claims-principal-factory
Hi, right now I'm using below class for claim public class myAppUserClaimFactory : UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser, Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityRole>, ITransientDependency,
Is it not required now?
You need to add a scope for each
Hi, as suggested I have inserted data in OpenIddictScopes but earlier when I was using IdentityServerIdentity this was the data in my auth variable
"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"openid offline_access","profile":{"s_hash":"DS82_CYQtxmPC76J8Yjz_w","sid":"FFCD5C72C428640804F41F72DAFC8059","sub":"8405d374-ec46-1ed7-bc4d-3a04e58abcde","auth_time":1717402623,"idp":"local","preferred_username":"admin","given_name":"admin","amr":["pwd"]},"expires_at":1748939693
Now, I'm getting this in my auth variable "token_type":"Bearer","scope":"openid offline_access","profile":{"sub":"8405d374-ec46-1ed7-bc4d-3a04e58abcde","oi_au_id":"85c661bd-a8e3-f572-3657-3a12880f1aa6","azp":"eFC_App","oi_tkn_id":"6884f2bd-465d-19bb-d606-3a12ef7a0f53"},"expires_at":1717408376}
Is there any other change required to get all properties? I want to get preferred_username, given_name, auth_time etc. in Profile.
See: https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Modules/OpenIddict#tables
The table is
In my IdentityServerIdentityResourceClaims table I have below fields
Type sub birthdate family_name gender given_name locale middle_name name nickname picture preferred_username profile updated_at website zoneinfo email email_verified address phone_number phone_number_verified role
In this table OpenIddictScopes, am I supposed to add above values in "Resources" column, if yes, will it be comma separate or 1 value in one row?
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It will be best if you can share a simple project.
It would be difficult to create sample project with everything, I really appreciate if we can have a quick call.
Can you share a complete project?
Can we have a call? I can share the issues over call
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of your backend app.You can share it via https://wetransfer.com/
Hi, can you please access log file https://filetransfer.io/data-package/O7hNVBhc#link. https://wetransfer.com/ is giving some issue.