Hi , I've managed to get Authenticator App Configuration Wizard , but I found issue that there is no QR Code generated . I've copied the code from Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.Web/Pages/Account/Components/ProfileManagementGroup/AuthenticatorApp
and also I've copied the javascript file and injected it like this :
is there something more to do , in order to have that QR code generated ?
thanks for the tips , I'm nearly at the end of this implementation. I had to create my custom view component in order to leave Account Management as it is originally implemented.
Is there also a possibility to add these custom steps with using the ExternalProvider login ? So when user is loggin in through some external entry in example MFA , and then check the same things like within normal log in ?
While we are sign in without for example OpenIdConnect , so with standard flow , we can detect if user has configured his authenticator app and also if the TwoFactor auth is forced. If yes then we can show the Two Factor Authentication step and ask user for a code.
With this scenario we are obligated to sign in the user with a SignInManager.TwoFactorSignInAsync method to confirm the code which he provided.
So now using the OpenIdConnect so the external login and using the OnGetExternalLoginCallbackAsync method we can also detect the same case - if user has configured his authenticator app and also if the TwoFactor auth is forced.
Once user has his authenticator app configured we can show the Two Factor Authentication step and ask user for a code.
And here comes my question : is there any option to sign in the external user with TwoFactor code and provider ?
didn't worked , because the result.Succeeded was equal - false.