Activities of "RobertSCG"

Hi , thanks for response ,

to clarify : Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes


yes the version is 8.3.0 .

The issue is on our side in the step when you will enable 2FA for user who have not registered a provider.

I will check it on empty project maybe some configuration is implemented which caused the issue. Do You have any idea what can affect this particular flow which You described ?


Hi ,

thanks for response.

We've managed to overwrite login page , and got an access to the login process programmatically. Injection of AccountAppService was also a good hint ! Thanks for that.

Our next steps is to check whether the setting is set to Forced and if yes then redirect to the authenticator app wizard.

further questions :

  1. Is there also a possibility to give some information about how can I obtain the TwoFactor option ( Forced / Optional ) from Settings , which can be settled up by admin host account ? ( i try to use ISettingsProvider in overwritten Login.cshtml.cs , to obtain this settings but idk how it is named )

  2. Is it possible to attach to the end of the authenticator app configuration process and then for example force user to relogin after he will end the configuration process , and will have to re-authenticate within the configured authenticator app ?

Hi , thank You very much .

I saw there is a problem with downloading Abp.Account.Pro module.

I want to do this to analyze the /Pages/Account/Components/ProfileManagementGroup/TwoFactor/Default.js , and apply changes You mentioned.

Is it possible to send the source code on email : ?

Hi ,

I've managed to get this code from Default.js , but it looks quite different than on the screen You showed .

Is it a correct file ?

Hi , thanks!

Hi , can I also kindly ask for a hint with overriding the 2 factor step page ( this on the screen below ) , some direction to source code would be great :

With overriding the Login.cshtml and Login.cshtml.cs page from this source :

I've noticed this method :

as far as i understand the process , once user has configured authenticator app , the result from this part :

contains RequiredTwoFactor property set on true and Succeeded property set on False.

Does it mean that we have to also overwrite the Two Factor Verification step ?

Yes , I've also used CLI to download the source code but since I've done custom redirection for authenticator app configruation wizard , I saw that there is a need to also overwrite the VerifySecurityCode.cshtml view in order to show the Two Factor Verification step . Am I right ?

I've done something like this :

and the TwoFactorConfigurationWizard method :

I've renamed this method from TwoFactorLoginResultAsync method .

Hi , thank You for the answers , i have one more question.

Is it possible to overwrite this authenticator app configuration page :

and put only the wizard , on the view like this below ? :

Hi , I've managed to get Authenticator App Configuration Wizard , but I found issue that there is no QR Code generated . I've copied the code from Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.Web/Pages/Account/Components/ProfileManagementGroup/AuthenticatorApp

and also I've copied the javascript file and injected it like this :

is there something more to do , in order to have that QR code generated ?

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