Activities of "Sraman"


you need to add the package.json dependencies in the main web module only, in that way it will be accessible to your custom module project

Any reference please?

Actually I want to add one of my page into feature, so that I can assign access for partiular user and not for all. For that purpose I thought of going with module. If adding a page to the feature it would be good as well.

Hello Sraman,

please have look to this

please do let me know if found helpful

Thank you, Anjali

This not an answer for my question. This is something I was able to achieve. Actually what I want is to have the syncfusion component on newly created custom module. Module project is not having libs folder. So how can I do thhis?


You can open a new question. Thanks.

Ok thanks.

Your question credits were refunded.

Ok. Thank you. One final question, May I know can I render the syncfusion components to the modules project. Because I dont see libs and component folders on modules. Is there any document for that?

Configure<AbpLayoutHookOptions>(options => { options.Add(LayoutHooks.Head.Last, typeof(SyncfusionStyleComponent), layout: "Application"); options.Add(LayoutHooks.Body.Last, typeof(SyncfusionScriptComponent), layout: "Application"); });

It was working fine till friday. Is this a new update?

ok, Please also share the steps to show the issue, thanks.

I already shared the steps. I problem is syncfusion components are not rendering all of sudden. Which was working fine before.

If you run the application and go to page azureblobmanager ideally I should see syncfusion component. But its not working.

I followed this, and it was working.

Now the issue is its not working. Noting changed, but its not working. If you run the app and go to browser and press f12 and see the source it looks like syncfusion is missing on the libs folder. I suspect that could be the issue. And not sure what to do. Need your help on this.


The application terminated when I ran the in2Facts.portal.Web.

Do you have any ideas to run the app?

It may be because of no abp license code. I removed. I added again. Please get latest and try again.

Please make your repo private.

Then invite me, Thanks

Invited. Kindly check.



How can I reproduce this? : )

Please find the below solution which i reproduced the issue,

We should see the syncfusion controls on the azureblobmanager page from the menu. But currently its not rendering.

please take a look.

Oh, Sorry. Please find the below code,

<ejs-filemanager id="filemanager" view="@Syncfusion.EJ2.FileManager.ViewType.Details"> <e-filemanager-ajaxsettings Url="https://localhost:44344/api/AzureBlobManager/FileOperations" UploadUrl="https://localhost:44344/api/AzureBlobManager/Upload" DownloadUrl="https://localhost:44344/api/AzureBlobManager/Download" GetImageUrl="https://localhost:44344/api/AzureBlobManager/GetImage"> </e-filemanager-ajaxsettings> </ejs-filemanager>

I'm trying load the component with endpoints from AzureBlobManagercontroller in api project. But throwing error. But I'm able to load from outside the solution.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21