Activities of "SuperBeastX3"

Thanks, that worked for me.

Ah... I can't wait to try that out and see how it works. Thanks again. I close those out.

You understand it correctly, but I should have added one important detail. I don't really care about update with those connections, I am fine with updating the way it has been implemented today. I really only see a need from a display and reporting side. Imagine a screen where you want to view the Product Details (from your sample), but you always want to know the product category (up a level), and what order line it used (up a level again), and the order id (up a level again). If you had navigation connected all the way down, you'd be able to do that with one database call. I know a custom sql call can pull that together, but I'd like to see ABP suite get a little more polished for even quicker development. In our complex cases we use ABP Suite to generate the base code, but then heavily modify it to support our need.

As for your link, I had not seen that yet. I also don't see the "Entty Type" selection in my version of ABP Suite. I am using V7.4.2. Why don't I see that?

Yes from ABP Suite. The current template generates a single level dto usually called ObjectWithNavigationProperties. This is great, but if that object has a list collection property with its own different navigation properties, it would be great to auto generate and connect to it as well. Maybe a toggle to specify how far deep to connect the objects navigation properties. I solved my immediate need by basically changing the ObjectWithNavigationProperties -> List<ChildObject> to ObjectWithNavigationProperties -> <ChildObjectWithNavigationProperties>. Abp suite is very powerful, but it just needs a few more items to make it so you don't need to code anything.

Maliming, You can find a sample project here: DELETED

Basically, using the many to many relationship to produce the UI child items is where to start. Take a look at ParentItems/EditModal.cshtml. Line 60 shows where I added the abp-tooltip. When defined like this it works. Now take a look at the editModal.js. Line 79 is where the child item gets dynamically added/rendered with the abp-tooltip. The item will show up in the UI, but the tool tip doesn't work.

Let me know if you are able to reproduce this. Thanks!

Ah, I see. That worked. Thanks!

See if this link works for you:

A zipped sample is 242Mb, I can't email that. Do you have a place I can copy it to?

I took a different approach and modified the MigrateAndSeedForTenantAsync method. Using: var version = await _featureManager.GetOrNullForTenantAsync("Version", tenantId); seems to have the correct value, so I added a property: ` // Seed data using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: true, isTransactional: true)) { await _dataSeeder.SeedAsync( new DataSeedContext(tenantId) .WithProperty(IdentityDataSeedContributor.AdminEmailPropertyName, adminEmail) .WithProperty(IdentityDataSeedContributor.AdminPasswordPropertyName, adminPassword) .WithProperty("Version", version) );

 await uow.CompleteAsync();

} `

Maybe part of the problem is the tenant record doesnt exist in the database yet when the dataseeder runs?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30