Where can I download a copy of the project on the demo site hosted at https://leptontheme.com/?
Any updates on this?
Sorry to be a bother, but it's been a week without any response?
Hi @adam-dot-cohen
Lepton doesn't have an HTML template. It's implemented in ABP.
We're working on LeptonX Theme. It'll include also an html+css template.
Thanks for the response. I was wondering if the project deployed to the LeptonTheme.com domain is available for download somewhere. I can't find much of any documentation the controls, usage, styles, etc. The dashboards on the site have some interesting charting, timeline and list styles that would be fantastic to publish (even if they're not an ABP package or part of the Lepton theme).
Much appreciated!
Can you provide a time estimate on when you expect it to be resolved? Our dev team (like any of your customers updating their packages today) can't get any work done.
Sorry - that was intended for ABP!
We will check it.
Liangwhiwei - Any updates??? Your customers have development teams that are sitting still. You guys should think about giving the people you're inconveniencing the common curtesy of status and expected time to resolution.
How do you force authentication for the root of a blazor server project? Presently, the following display the header and navigation side menu before redirecting to Account/Login...
How do you force authentication for the root of a blazor server project? Presently, the following display the header and navigation side menu before redirecting to Account/Login...
How do you force authentication for the root of a blazor server project? Presently, the following display the header and navigation side menu before redirecting to Account/Login...
Please credit my account back for this question as it got locked... https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5123/Blazor-Server---Force-Authentication-For-Root--Entire-Site
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