Steps to reproduce the issue:
Current result: The properties with the foreign key (Guid) are generated correctly with my specified name. But in the classes with postfix "...WithNavigationProperties" and "...WithNavigationPropertiesDto" the entity name is used and numbered. It would be desirable that the chosen name would be used there as well.
My expectation: In all classes where this property is used, my chosen name will be used as property name. The property name chosen for the foreign key should also be used for the navigation property (without the "Id" postfix). If necessary to define separatly with another field in the ABP Suite form.
Example: The class "Book.cs" should have two navigation properties to "Author.cs": MainAuthorId & CoAuthorId
Result in BookDto.cs, Book.cs, ...
public Guid? MainAuthorId { get; set; }
public Guid? CoAuthorId { get; set; }
Result in BookWithNavigationPropertiesDto.cs / BookWithNavigationProperties.cs:
using BookStore.Author;
using BookStore.Author;
public Author Author { get; set; }
public Author Author1 { get; set; }
The other bug is that the "using" is added twice (as seen above). I have seen this several times and would find it useful to check if the "using" is already present before adding it.
I hope my concern has been explained in an understandable way.
Thanks, Adrian
Situation: We have many entities which we want to create via ABP Suite. For each entity a folder is created. This makes the project very confusing. Therefore we have moved the entities into subfolders.
Problem: If we now make changes to existing entities, the ABP Suite does not notice that the entity already exists, because it is not in the usual folder. So the file is created again and you have to merge the changes manually, which is inconvenient. Is there a better option? Is there a way to define in which subfolders the entities are located?
Wish for the future: A possibility to group logically related entities in the ABP Suite. This can also be realized in such a way that we could define a parent folder for each entity. Such a grouping could also be included in the namespace.
ABP Framework version: v5.3.0
UI type: Blazor
DB provider: EF Core
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
The file name of the AppService class is named in singular, but the class itself is named in plural.
Example: Entity "Country":
This should match. Probably rather singular (CountryAppService).
Thanks, Adrian
I installed the preview (6.0.0-rc.3) and created a new Blazor Server App by using the template.
Because of OpenIddict, I then had to install Redis on my machine (via WSL2).
Then I did a deployment to Azure. And there I wondered why the app worked without adding the "Azure Cache for Redis".
Why does it work without the Redis service in Azure App Service? And when would it be important to use it?
By the way, in order for OpenIddict to work in Azure, I still had to do some configuration in BlazorModule. I scraped the information together from issues from others. It works, but I don't understand everything yet (e.g. generating the SigningKey & EncryptionKey) and it would be great if you could document the necessary steps to deploy it to Azure (so that the application can be run securely).
Thanks, Adrian
ABP Framework version: v6.0.0-rc.4
UI type: Blazor
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
I've grouped several questions (and bugs) together here, as they all have to do with the LeptonX theme with TopMenu layout.
private void ConfigureTheme()
Configure<LeptonXThemeBlazorOptions>(options =>
options.Layout = LeptonXBlazorLayouts.TopMenu;
Configure<LeptonXThemeOptions>(options =>
options.DefaultStyle = LeptonXStyleNames.Light;
// Remove unused styles
If I remove all styles, then only the DefaultStyle appears. That would be a workaround...
And it would be nice if the menu item would be automatically hidden when there is only one option.
I hope to have contributed to an even better theme :-)
Thanks, Adrian
I would like to change the colors of the LeptonX theme ('Light' style).
I wanted to override it in blazor-global-styles.css with my colors. But for the pink color (e.g. grid pagination) this doesn't work.
I then saw that the color code #f72585 (pink) occurs in the file bootstrap-light.css in very many places and is not set globally. So of course it is very hard to replace the color everywhere.
Can you make it so that we can just overwrite it? Something like with the variable --lpx-brand.
Or what is the easiest way to do this?
System.ArgumentException: The type 'MyProject.Blazor.Components.Layout.MyMainHeaderToolbar' is not assignable to service 'Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.TopMenu.MainHeader.MainHeaderToolbar'.
at Autofac.Builder.RegistrationBuilder.CreateRegistration(Guid id, RegistrationData data, IInstanceActivator activator, IResolvePipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder, Service[] services, IComponentRegistration target)
at Autofac.Builder.RegistrationBuilder.CreateRegistration[TLimit,TActivatorData,TSingleRegistrationStyle](IRegistrationBuilder`3 builder)
at Autofac.Builder.RegistrationBuilder.RegisterSingleComponent[TLimit,TActivatorData,TSingleRegistrationStyle](IComponentRegistryBuilder cr, IRegistrationBuilder`3 builder)
at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(IComponentRegistryBuilder componentRegistry, Boolean excludeDefaultModules)
at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(ContainerBuildOptions options)
at Volo.Abp.Autofac.AbpAutofacServiceProviderFactory.CreateServiceProvider(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Internal.ServiceFactoryAdapter`1.CreateServiceProvider(Object containerBuilder)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.CreateServiceProvider()
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.Build()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.WebApplicationBuilder.Build()
at MyProject.Blazor.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Projects\MyProject\src\MyProject.Blazor\Program.cs:line 65
using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.TopMenu.MainHeader;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
namespace MyProject.Blazor.Components.Layout
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public partial class MyMainHeaderToolbar
public string Name = "My Main Header Toolbar";
Does this still need to be registered somewhere?
I have defined my own style according to your instructions (Documentation).
During development (Visual Studio) it works very well. But as soon as I deploy to Azure, the style is not applied correctly (see also [Ticket #3951](
Problem 1: On the MVC side (e.g. login) I could solve the problem by setting the "PreserveNewest" flag on the CSS files in the themes folder. But I guess that this should not be necessary, otherwise you would have written this in the manual. So what could be the reason that everything in the themes folder is ignored on publish?
Problem 2: It does not work at all in the Blazor application. The CSS files are present on the server, but they are not applied . It looks like they are overwritten by the original styles. I have tried a few things with the bundles, but unfortunately without success. In general, I find it interesting that the wrong styles are being loaded at all, since I defined and set a new style.
Example of how it should look (screenshot from development environment):
And this is how it looks when running on Azure:
It looks like the "Light" style is loaded even though I remove that and explicitly set "gyh" as the DefaultStyle.
This is actually the same question as @balessi75 has already asked here: #3862
I want to use my string resources in a DTO (MyProject.Application.Contracts).
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
var l = validationContext.GetRequiredService<IStringLocalizer<MyProjectResource>>();
var errorMessage = l["Entity:DocumentType:IsRequired:ValidationText"].Value;
return results;
Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to register the IStringLocalizer correctly. I have read the mentioned documentation and searched for it, but somehow it doesn't work for me. I always get the following error message:
Unhandled exception rendering component: No service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.IStringLocalizer`1[MyProject.Localization.MyProjectResource]' has been registered.
System.InvalidOperationException: No service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.IStringLocalizer`1[MyProject.Localization.MyProjectResource]' has been registered.
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetRequiredService(IServiceProvider provider, Type serviceType)
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetRequiredService[T](IServiceProvider provider)
at MyProject.Shared.DocumentDependentBase.Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) in
Can you tell me how to register it in my module?