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Activities of "andmattia"

I try to understand how can I create a module where I need access data came from another.

Suppose to have a CRM module and E-Comm module. In CRM I create / admin customer on E-Com need to access to that data.

My question is realated to:

  1. if module CRM work with MSSQL and E-Com with MongoDb is it possibile?
  2. in terms of performance I need to use a SQL Statement if have more module on same DB arch I can exceute that query but if not on same DB, exist a way to sync data from different module?
  3. in case of use MongoDb can I use dynamic object to map object db?


I agree that each module must be responsable of own data but how can I solve the simplest problem I need to show the own data module with owner user name for example. I think this challange is quite often in a lot of case.

In single DB architecture I can add to EF the same table in that way I can achive the result the only problem/pitfall can be that POCO class must be shared but in 2 different DB arch how can I solve it? I my case if I store data for E-Comm module on MongoDb the only way is store all user data in the collaction for example but if my user update some data (es name or email) I need to brodcast this update to all module that has stored data in place of link it.


I can not uderstand how can it solve the problem. If you look to the on semple ![image]

I case some one need to now the user that create a post on blog module how can you get it? or product name? in the second case you can try to fix using same microservice but in the first. So how you can crate a table with 4 cols id, User Name, Blog Post title, creation data? Consider the option to show on Angualr query and export it on excel.



Ok I completle agree about sync by events can you shere some details about that?

Any available example?

  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.3
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

We need to understand the correct flow to separate main app and module. I try to explain our scenario:

  • Single app in ANZ moving to separate modules.

I have an app a small ERP system whit 2 module CRM and Invoicing. At the moment code is in a single solution with differnente (core/app/EF) single (angular project). So now we are working to rebuild in different module/services.

Our questions are:

  1. CRM and Invoicing are module or app? If i look to ABP.io site support and community are 2 different url so I think that are 2 application. Is it correct? Is better consider CRM an app or a module?
  2. Related to EF Migration. The ef migration are into the EF cs project, but I have look a lot of example and it's not clear where is correct to store migration on EF and when it doesn't. I have try to create a new app template and I found DBMigrator project but if I create a module this project not exists, in this second case where I put my add-migration? I need to create always an app (that has the Migratior project) add module and call my module dbcontext on migration project?
  3. Actually one of the module has 2 dbcontext 1 MSSQL EF and 1 NoSQL mongodb, in that case the correct target we thnik could be 2 microservice 1 with EF and 1 with Mongo that can be orchastrated via RabbitMq(async) or ApiClient (sync). Is it correct?
  4. have you some use guide/best practice to move angular based on metronic to angular based on lepton theme? Lepton theme has restriction use in conjuction with DevExpress or Telerik?


I read the document that you has share/attach but not answer to my question about integration for 2 dbcontext which is the best practice to do that.

Has you any suggestion?


I try to use Identity Server to authenticate my user from ANZ.

On ANZ site I add openId configuration

    "OpenId": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "ClientId": "anz-client",
      "Authority": "https://localhost:44308",
      "LoginUrl": "https://localhost:44308/Account/Login",
      "ValidateIssuer": "false",
      "ClaimsMapping": [
          "claim": "unique_name",
          "key": "preferred_username"

Now after choose tenant on ANZ I see the OpenId Connection button. If I click it app redirect my to IS but not with tenant (first issue) after login process IS no redirect back to ANZ site.

My goal is:

  • copy user and tenant on ABP.IO
  • Enable IS on ABP.IO and use it to auth user from ANZ
  • ABP Framework version: lastest
  • DB provider: MongoDB


we are working on a module/service that are connecto to MQTT server.

We have create a client and define it as ISingletonDependency because only one exists on our application, we set the configuration via IOptions and until here this it works fine.

At the end of domain module we add a simple to init all configuration

public override async Task OnPreApplicationInitializationAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
        var myService = context.ServiceProvider.GetService<BrokerClient>();
        await myService.InitializeAsync();

the first execution on Receive message handler is ok and it write data on DB but the second message has all services disposed IService

    // On Init Async method

    private async Task ReceiveMessageHandler(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs arg)
       //using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())

If I run this code log works has expected but If I look into this and _serviceProvider is disposed

How can we recover the consistent state of UOW?


I found the problem.

My base class inherit from DomainService and it's ITransientDependency

Showing 1 to 10 of 144 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40