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Activities of "ashutosh.tanksale"

Check the docs before asking a question: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/ Check the samples, to see the basic tasks: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/samples/index The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, please use the search on the homepage.

  • ABP Framework version: v3.2.1
  • UI type: Angular
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Hi there, I have a special requirement in which i have to compare some custom validation against the default validation for password. Please have a following attached image 'RolesCreation', In which i customized the Role screen and added the custom validation as i want. They are working as expected, values are storing and retreiving without any issue. If you see below "Public" option there are custom validation settings which i added.

Now when i go to user creation and started entering password application showing validation message as per values we set to the default password settings. Please look attached image 'PasswordValidation '

At this screen i want to access the values of settings i created in Roles screen and i want to validation check the values from custom settings instead of default settings. Please help me on this. How and Where can implement this logic?

Hi, I am trying to configure the Two factor authentication with v3.2.1. I did all the configuratios and chcked all the required checkboxes from Identity settings and for individual users settings as well. This will updating related fields from DataBase as well i.e. True for two factor authentication. I implemented Twilio and i am getting OTP for phone number verification and the flag is updating in db as well but this also not showing me two factor setting screen while logging. But I am not getting an email in inbox which is attached with user when i click on "Verify email" apllication saying verification mail sent to the specified email address but not getting any email. I have the default setting in Appsetting.json for smtp. Also I gone throught the link which is similar to my issue "https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/701/Regarding-2-factor-authentication-implementation" bu this also not helped me out. As per document either phone number or email verified then while logging in i should see the two factor authentication screen, but i can not see that. Can you please help out in following two main problems

  1. Email verification link is not getting in inbox.
  2. Even phone number is verified i can not see two factor authentication screen.
  • ABP Framework version: v3.2.1
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Does this required any code changes in my application except setting change i.e. SMTP and other values.

Hi @yekalkan,

I tried with approach of adding values in appsetting.js and even encrypted password as well. I impleted ISettingEncryptionService and using encrypt method get the encrypted value of password and used in appsetting.js. Even all these changes my mail is not getting in inbox. following are my appsetting.js values Following is my implementation of IsettingEncryptionService After this also emails are not getting in inbox. Following is the entry in log file for this Please let me know what i am missing here for Email verification link. Above everything is about email verification. Below is SMS verification But i got successfully implemented sms verification using Twillio and am getting OTPs as well and my number is getting verified. After all these while logging i can not see two factor authentiocation screen which asks for sms otp. What i am missing here as well???

Please put some more light on this as sson as possible

Hi mailming Following are my sms verification steps

  1. I get OTP from Twillio and it verify my mobile number

  2. I downloaded volo.Abp.sms.Twilio package and implemented ISmsSender interface.

  3. Checked all TwoFactor check boxes from profile management and Identity settings

  4. Selected 'Optional' as behaviour

  5. Logged out and while logging expecting a Two factor authentication screen which ask me for sms otp for login but that does not happen.

@maliming Thanks for reply. How can we connect? via Teams call or Skype call? Let me know your convinient timing so i can arrange a teams call

Regards Ashutosh

@limingma Thanks for your troubleshooting. As per our discussion i will create new project in latest version and let you know the update

@maliming I created new solution in latest version v4.1.1 and still i can not send mail. The smtp setting I am using are correct and we are using them in another project and from there mails are deliverying properly. Can we have a quick zoom call and you can have a look at it quickly?


Its workgin now in v4.1.1, thanks for your help. I tried same in v3.2.1, here mails are getting in inbox and i can verify them but i can not see authentication screen. Any specific prblem with v3.2.1?

@maliming, I already tried that

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 10, 2025, 13:23