That was easy and worked perfectly. Thanks @maliming !!
Interesting... I have the same setup. Could it be because I'm using a Blazor Server templated solution and your using MVC?
We created our own nVisionLeptonErrorViewComponent
and added our own 404.cshtml
Our project solution is as follows:
Our 404.cshtml
is as follows:
@using FM.nVision.Blazor.Views.Error.DefaultErrorComponent;
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Lepton.Views.Error.DefaultErrorComponent
@model Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Shared.Views.Error.AbpErrorViewModel
@(await Component.InvokeAsync<nVisionLeptonErrorViewComponent>(new { model = Model, defaultErrorMessageKey = "404Message" }))
Our nVisionLeptonErrorViewComponent
is as follows:
using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Lepton.Views.Error.DefaultErrorComponent;
namespace FM.nVision.Blazor.Views.Error.DefaultErrorComponent;
public class nVisionLeptonErrorViewComponent : LeptonViewComponentBase
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(AbpErrorViewModel model, string defaultErrorMessageKey)
var leptonModel = new LeptonErrorPageModel
ErrorInfo = model.ErrorInfo,
HttpStatusCode = model.HttpStatusCode,
DefaultErrorMessageKey = defaultErrorMessageKey
return View("~/Views/Error/DefaultErrorComponent/Default.cshtml", leptonModel);
We still don't see our custom Default.cshtml
in Views/Error/DefaultErrorComponent.
Is there something else we are missing?
Thanks, would you have anything you can point me to in order to accomplish this in the Blazor Server ABP template?
Thanks @maliming
Now I know to check base class interfaces and included them in the [ExposeServices] attribute.
Also, LeptonErrorViewComponent's Invoke method is not overridable (virual) so the component cannot be replaced.
We are looking to change only the html on the error page. So we followed the instructions here:
In following those instructions, we created a modified Default.cshtml under the same folder structure in our project as defined in Abp (see below). The problem is though that we don't see our changes and the Abp error page still shows. Any ideas?
Thanks for confirming the fix in the next version. The workaround for now works as expected.
Hi @maliming,
We are using Lepton.
Hi @maliming,
You can reproduce 3 sorting issues using the project.
No property or field 'RoleNames' exists in type 'IdentityUser' (at index 24)
.AddRange(new TableColumn[]
new TableColumn {
Title = L["Roles"],
Data = nameof(IdentityUserDto.RoleNames),
ValueConverter = (data) =>
var roleNames = (data as IdentityUserDto)?.RoleNames;
return roleNames == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(", ", roleNames);
Sortable = true
Is sorting with paged result sets supported with this kind of calculated column?