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Activities of "bunyamin"


Could you tell me which version of @abp/ng.core you are using?

Thank you

Hello again,

You need to update other packages (@abp/ng.core, @abp/ng.identity and so on) to the same version as well. Our packages are built together and Ivy generates those .d.ts files. When you try to use a package with another package with older version, you could bump into errors like this. Also @volo/abp.ng.file-management uses some new features that is available on latest version of @abp/ng.core. Please, update your packages and let me know the result.

Thank you


That should not have happened :) It could be a problem related to downloading the packages. You could try to delete @abp/ng.core from node_modules and install it again. Also, as you said you could wait for v3.2. It will be avaliable soon. Let me know if that works out for you.

Hi again,

v3.2.0 has been just released. Could you update your packages and try again?

Thank you

Hi @gvnuysal,

I'm sorry for late response, but it looks like you got it working :)

It would be nice if we could preview the files we uploaded and then download them. Clicking on the file directly downloads.

Thanks for the suggestion above, we will evaluate it within the team and we could implement it next version.

I assume your problems have been solved by the new version and we can close this question.

Thank you

Hi again,

You shouldn't need to add any route config to route-provider.ts because FileManagementConfigModule already does that. You just need to import FileManagementConfigModule.forRoot() in your app.module.ts. It is available in @volo/abp.ng.file-management/config.

For more information, you can refer to this document.

Hi @gvnuysal,

Can you elobarete more? FileManagement use ExtensibleTable component and Toolbar which you can provide your own buttons and actions.

Please refer to following documents: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/ui/angular/entity-action-extensions https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/ui/angular/page-toolbar-extensions

Also, the request to fetch to directory content is made to /api/file-management/directory-descriptor. if you want to filter out some content, you can do it on the backend I assume.


Could you try to update your other packages to the same version?

You can find more detail here

Hello @DanielAndreasen,

Could you share your template with me or an example repo? So, I can reproduce the problem.


@Ryan.sposato@ethany.com could you please share your setup? I've tried it and it works with my setup.

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