I found it,thanks
1、用abp suite创建一个mvc项目,例如:名为“Ywz.Bms” 1. Create an mvc project with abp suite, for example, "Ywz.Bms"
2、在“Ywz.Bms.Web”下的BmsWebModule.cs文件,写上自已的代码,有中文注释。 2. In the BmsWebModule.cs file under "Ywz.Bms.Web", write your own code, with Chinese comments.
3、用suite添加一个表,会生成一部分代码在BmsWebModule.cs文件,然后,这个文件的中文注释就变成了乱码。 3. Adding a table with suite will generate part of the code in BmsWebModule.cs file, and then the Chinese comments in this file will become garbled.
准确来说,凡是用到suite生成代码被覆盖的文件,主要有中文注释的,都会变成乱码。 To be precise, files that use suite generated code that is overwritten, mostly with comments in Chinese, become garbled.
1、增加一个字段说明 1、Add a field description
2、当使用suite生成代码后,dto、entity的summary都加上这个“字段说明” 2. After using suite to generate code, add this "field description" to the summary of dto and entity.
3、还有表(实体)说明,在实体类的summary上显示 3. There are also table (entity) descriptions, which are displayed on the summary of the entity class
Add an .editorconfig file to the project root with the following contents:
root = true # 所在目录是项目根目录,此目录及子目录下保存的文件都会生效
[*] # 对于所有文件
indent_style = tab # 缩进风格
tab_width = 4 # 缩进宽度
charset = utf-8 # 文件编码格式,Visual Studio使用utf-8-bom,以防警告
end_of_line = crlf # 行尾格式,Windows一般为CRLF,Linux一般为LF,根据需要更改
insert_final_newline = true #文件结尾添加换行符,以防警告
All files for this project are automatically converted to uft8 encoding
The official answer is so sweet thank you
Thank you. It's settled as instructed
经过一天的摸索,搜各种资料,现在主要疑惑: 1、在index.js中定义createModal对象时,这个modalClass属性没理解?
var _lookupModal = new abp.ModalManager({
viewUrl: abp.appPath + "Shared/LookupModal",
scriptUrl: "/Pages/Shared/lookupModal.js",
modalClass: "navigationPropertyLookup"