Activities of "consultant.ahmet.ulusoy"

Hi maliming,

I sent the files with the we transfer to your email address.

Hi maliming,

I know that, they're working on when we run it with Abp Studio. But when I create an helm chart and install helm chart to microk8 server. Only TavTechnologies.Octopus.Web project is not working.If you want I can share the pod folder contents with you.


I sent the files with the we transfer to your email address.


Please share the DLL file with

Hi maliming, I shared the email with you.

Hi maliming,

I can't share the source code, so sorry for that. But when i looked out the nupkg i couldn't found any json files only dll and xml files.

[17:20:42 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET - null null
[17:20:42 ERR] Connection id "0HN97CFQGSERO", Request id "0HN97CFQGSERO:00000001": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
Volo.Abp.AbpException: The API description of the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.IAbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync method was not found!
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.RequestAsync[T](String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ClientProxies.AbpApplicationConfigurationClientProxy.GetAsync(ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions options)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetRemoteConfigurationAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.<GetAsync>b__19_0()
   at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.GetOrAddAsync(TCacheKey key, Func`1 factory, Func`1 optionsFactory, Nullable`1 hideErrors, Boolean considerUow, CancellationToken token)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.RemoteLanguageProvider.GetLanguagesAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.DefaultAbpRequestLocalizationOptionsProvider.GetLocalizationOptionsAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.AbpRequestLocalizationMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.InterfaceMiddlewareBinder.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<<CreateMiddleware>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Libs.AbpMvcLibsService.<CheckLibs>b__1_0(HttpContext httpContext, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
[17:20:42 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - 500 0 null 75.8218ms
[17:20:45 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET - null null
[17:20:45 ERR] Connection id "0HN97CFQGSERO", Request id "0HN97CFQGSERO:00000002": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
Volo.Abp.AbpException: The API description of the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.IAbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync method was not found!
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.RequestAsync[T](String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ClientProxies.AbpApplicationConfigurationClientProxy.GetAsync(ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions options)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetRemoteConfigurationAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.&lt;GetAsync&gt;b__19_0()
   at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.GetOrAddAsync(TCacheKey key, Func`1 factory, Func`1 optionsFactory, Nullable`1 hideErrors, Boolean considerUow, CancellationToken token)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.RemoteLanguageProvider.GetLanguagesAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.DefaultAbpRequestLocalizationOptionsProvider.GetLocalizationOptionsAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.AbpRequestLocalizationMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.InterfaceMiddlewareBinder.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass2_0.&lt;&lt;CreateMiddleware&gt;b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Libs.AbpMvcLibsService.&lt;CheckLibs&gt;b__1_0(HttpContext httpContext, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
[17:20:45 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - 500 0 null 2.9755ms
[17:21:27 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET - null null
[17:21:27 ERR] Connection id "0HN97CFQGSERO", Request id "0HN97CFQGSERO:00000003": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
Volo.Abp.AbpException: The API description of the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.IAbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync method was not found!
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.RequestAsync[T](String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ClientProxies.AbpApplicationConfigurationClientProxy.GetAsync(ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions options)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetRemoteConfigurationAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.<GetAsync>b__19_0()
   at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.GetOrAddAsync(TCacheKey key, Func`1 factory, Func`1 optionsFactory, Nullable`1 hideErrors, Boolean considerUow, CancellationToken token)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.RemoteLanguageProvider.GetLanguagesAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.DefaultAbpRequestLocalizationOptionsProvider.GetLocalizationOptionsAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.AbpRequestLocalizationMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.InterfaceMiddlewareBinder.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<<CreateMiddleware>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Libs.AbpMvcLibsService.<CheckLibs>b__1_0(HttpContext httpContext, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
[17:21:27 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - 500 0 null 1.8823ms
[17:22:37 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET - null null
[17:22:37 ERR] Connection id "0HN97CFQGSERP", Request id "0HN97CFQGSERP:00000001": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
Volo.Abp.AbpException: The API description of the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.IAbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync method was not found!
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.RequestAsync[T](String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ClientProxies.AbpApplicationConfigurationClientProxy.GetAsync(ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions options)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetRemoteConfigurationAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.&lt;GetAsync&gt;b__19_0()
   at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.GetOrAddAsync(TCacheKey key, Func`1 factory, Func`1 optionsFactory, Nullable`1 hideErrors, Boolean considerUow, CancellationToken token)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.RemoteLanguageProvider.GetLanguagesAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.DefaultAbpRequestLocalizationOptionsProvider.GetLocalizationOptionsAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.AbpRequestLocalizationMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.InterfaceMiddlewareBinder.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass2_0.&lt;&lt;CreateMiddleware&gt;b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Libs.AbpMvcLibsService.&lt;CheckLibs&gt;b__1_0(HttpContext httpContext, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
[17:22:37 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - 500 0 null 4.5971ms
[17:22:41 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET - null null
[17:22:41 ERR] Connection id "0HN97CFQGSERP", Request id "0HN97CFQGSERP:00000002": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
Volo.Abp.AbpException: The API description of the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.IAbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync method was not found!
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyBase`1.RequestAsync[T](String methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue arguments)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationConfigurations.ClientProxies.AbpApplicationConfigurationClientProxy.GetAsync(ApplicationConfigurationRequestOptions options)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetRemoteConfigurationAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.<GetAsync>b__19_0()
   at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.GetOrAddAsync(TCacheKey key, Func`1 factory, Func`1 optionsFactory, Nullable`1 hideErrors, Boolean considerUow, CancellationToken token)
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.MvcCachedApplicationConfigurationClient.GetAsync()
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client.RemoteLanguageProvider.GetLanguagesAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.DefaultAbpRequestLocalizationOptionsProvider.GetLocalizationOptionsAsync()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.RequestLocalization.AbpRequestLocalizationMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.InterfaceMiddlewareBinder.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<<CreateMiddleware>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Libs.AbpMvcLibsService.<CheckLibs>b__1_0(HttpContext httpContext, RequestDelegate next)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
[17:22:41 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - 500 0 null 1.3713ms

[16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetNewsletterPreferences in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetNewsletterPreferences in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetCsvResponses in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdatePreferences in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetDownloadToken in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetImportNewslettersSampleFile in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: ImportNewslettersFromFile in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetImportInvalidNewslettersFile in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: FaqQuestionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: FaqQuestionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: FaqQuestionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: FaqQuestionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: FaqQuestionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: FaqSectionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: FaqSectionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: FaqSectionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: FaqSectionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: FaqSectionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetGroups in controller: FaqSectionAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: ContactSetting, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: ContactSetting, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetQuestionsWithAnswers in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetFormDetails in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetUserFormsByUserId in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SaveAnswers in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateAnswers in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Response, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: Question, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Question, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Question, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Question, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetResponses in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetCsvResponses in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetResponsesCount in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: DeleteAllResponsesOfForm in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SendInviteEmail in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetSettings in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetSettings in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetQuestions in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: CreateQuestion in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Form, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 INF] Initialized all ABP modules. [16:20:55 WRN] Overriding HTTP_PORTS '8080' and HTTPS_PORTS ''. Binding to values defined by URLS instead 'http://+:80'. [16:20:55 INF] Now listening on: http://[::]:80 [16:20:55 INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. [16:20:55 INF] Hosting environment: Staging [16:20:55 INF] Content root path: /app

[16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: MoveMenuItem in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetPageLookup in controller: MenuItemAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: MediaDescriptorAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: MediaDescriptorAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: GlobalResourceAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetGlobalResources in controller: GlobalResourceAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: CommentAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: CommentAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: CommentAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateApprovalStatus in controller: CommentAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateSettings in controller: CommentAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetWaitingCount in controller: CommentAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: BlogAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: BlogAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: BlogAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: BlogAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: BlogAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: BlogFeatureAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Set in controller: BlogFeatureAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Publish in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Draft in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: CreateAndPublish in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SendToReview in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: CreateAndSendToReview in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: HasBlogPostWaitingForReview in controller: BlogPostAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllRelatedTags in controller: TagPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetPopularTags in controller: TagPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetForSelection in controller: ReactionPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: ReactionPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: ReactionPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: RatingPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: RatingPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetGroupedStarCounts in controller: RatingPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindBySlug in controller: PagesPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindDefaultHomePage in controller: PagesPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: DoesSlugExist in controller: PagesPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: MenuItemPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetForUser in controller: MarkedItemPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Toggle in controller: MarkedItemPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetGlobalScript in controller: GlobalResourcePublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetGlobalStyle in controller: GlobalResourcePublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: CommentPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: CommentPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: CommentPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: CommentPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: BlogPostPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: BlogPostPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAuthorsHasBlogPosts in controller: BlogPostPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAuthorHasBlogPost in controller: BlogPostPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: BlogPostPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetTagName in controller: BlogPostPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindBySource in controller: UrlShortingPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: IsWidgetNameAvailable in controller: PollPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindByAvailableWidget in controller: PollPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindByCode in controller: PollPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetResult in controller: PollPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SubmitVote in controller: PollPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: PageFeedbackPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: InitializeUserNote in controller: PageFeedbackPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: ChangeIsUseful in controller: PageFeedbackPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: NewsletterRecordPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetNewsletterPreferences in controller: NewsletterRecordPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdatePreferences in controller: NewsletterRecordPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetOptionByPreference in controller: NewsletterRecordPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetListSectionWithQuestions in controller: FaqSectionPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SendMessage in controller: ContactPublic, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: UrlShortingAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: UrlShortingAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: UrlShortingAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: UrlShortingAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: UrlShortingAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetWidgets in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetResult in controller: PollAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetEntityTypes in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetSettings in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateSettings in controller: PageFeedbackAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: PageFeedbackSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: PageFeedbackSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetNewsletterRecordsCsvDetail in controller: NewsletterRecordAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date.

[16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllList in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetUsageStatistics in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetPlanLookup in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: CreateSubscription in controller: Subscription, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetDatabases in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetConnectionStrings in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateConnectionStrings in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: ApplyDatabaseMigrations in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetEditionLookup in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: CheckConnectionString in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetPassword in controller: Tenant, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: PrepareUserData in controller: GdprRequest, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetDownloadToken in controller: GdprRequest, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetUserData in controller: GdprRequest, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: IsNewRequestAllowed in controller: GdprRequest, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: GdprRequest, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: DeleteUserData in controller: GdprRequest, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetErrorRate in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAverageExecutionDurationPerDay in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetEntityChanges in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetEntityChangesWithUsername in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetEntityChangeWithUsername in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetEntityChange in controller: AuditLogs, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: AuditLogSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: AuditLogSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetGlobal in controller: AuditLogSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateGlobal in controller: AuditLogSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllList in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetAsDefault in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetResources in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetCulturelist in controller: Language, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: LanguageText, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: LanguageText, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: LanguageText, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: RestoreToDefault in controller: LanguageText, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetContacts in controller: Contact, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetTotalUnreadMessageCount in controller: Contact, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetSendOnEnterSetting in controller: Settings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Settings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Settings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SendMessage in controller: Conversation, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: DeleteMessage in controller: Conversation, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetConversation in controller: Conversation, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: MarkConversationAsRead in controller: Conversation, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: DeleteConversation in controller: Conversation, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Move in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetPreInfo in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetContent in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetDownloadToken in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Rename in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Download in controller: FileDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Rename in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetContent in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Move in controller: DirectoryDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: EmailSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: EmailSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SendTestEmail in controller: EmailSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: TimeZoneSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetTimezones in controller: TimeZoneSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: TimeZoneSettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Permissions, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Permissions, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: IsGranted in controller: PermissionIntegration, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Download in controller: MediaDescriptor, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetOrDefault in controller: BlogFeature, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: AddTagToEntity in controller: EntityTagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: RemoveTagFromEntity in controller: EntityTagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetEntityTags in controller: EntityTagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: TagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: TagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: TagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: TagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: TagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetTagDefinitions in controller: TagAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: PageAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: PageAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: PageAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: PageAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: PageAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetAsHomePage in controller: PageAdmin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date.

[16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: Scope, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Scope, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Scope, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllScopes in controller: Scope, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: IdentityClaimType, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: IdentityClaimType, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: IdentityClaimType, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: IdentityClaimType, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: IdentityClaimType, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: CreateOrUpdate in controller: IdentityExternalLogin, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllList in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateClaims in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetClaims in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: MoveAllUsers in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllClaimTypes in controller: IdentityRole, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: IdentitySecurityLog, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: IdentitySecurityLog, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: IdentitySession, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: IdentitySession, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Revoke in controller: IdentitySession, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetLdap in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateLdap in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetOAuth in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateOAuth in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetSession in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateSession in controller: IdentitySettings, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindById in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetRoles in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAssignableRoles in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAvailableOrganizationUnits in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAllClaimTypes in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetClaims in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetOrganizationUnits in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateRoles in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdateClaims in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Lock in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Unlock in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindByUsername in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindByEmail in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetTwoFactorEnabled in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: SetTwoFactorEnabled in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: UpdatePassword in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetRoleLookup in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetOrganizationUnitLookup in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetExternalLoginProviders in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: ImportExternalUser in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetListAsExcelFile in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetListAsCsvFile in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetDownloadToken in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetImportUsersSampleFile in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: ImportUsersFromFile in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetImportInvalidUsersFile in controller: IdentityUser, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindById in controller: IdentityUserLookup, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindByUserName in controller: IdentityUserLookup, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Search in controller: IdentityUserLookup, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetCount in controller: IdentityUserLookup, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: AddRoles in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: AddMembers in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetListAll in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetRoles in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetMembers in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Move in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAvailableUsers in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetAvailableRoles in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: MoveAllUsers in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: RemoveMember in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: RemoveRole in controller: OrganizationUnit, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetRoleNames in controller: IdentityUserIntegration, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindById in controller: IdentityUserIntegration, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: FindByUserName in controller: IdentityUserIntegration, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Search in controller: IdentityUserIntegration, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetCount in controller: IdentityUserIntegration, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: TemplateContent, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: RestoreToDefault in controller: TemplateContent, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: TemplateContent, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: TemplateDefinition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: TemplateDefinition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Get in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: GetList in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Create in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Update in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: Delete in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date. [16:20:55 WRN] Could not find ApiDescriptionModel for action: MoveAllTenants in controller: Edition, May be the generate-proxy.json is not up to date.

Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 08, 2025, 14:09