We have a project that has been using aspnetzero. UserId is long type. Now I will start new project with abp.io, I want to use Guid as UserId.
Both project have to be same user, password, etc. Authentication server will be used abp.io, I will add new externalUserId field to User table ( it is Id in User table aspnetzero)
Identity Server generate jwt token, it contains "sub": Guid If user login from aspnetzero project ( identified by domain or clientId ), I have to customize jwt token to generate "sub" : externalUserId.
Futhermore, in aspnetzero project. I can add custimze field to jwt token by add CustomProfileService like that.
public class CustomProfileService<TUser> : IProfileService where TUser : AbpUser<TUser>
public async Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
var tenantId = context.Subject.Identity.GetTenantId();
using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(tenantId))
var sub = context.Subject.GetSubjectId();
var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(sub);
var principal = await _claimsFactory.CreateAsync(user);
var claims = principal.Claims.ToList();
claims = claims.Where(claim => context.RequestedClaimTypes.Contains(claim.Type)).ToList();
var abpUser = user as User;
claims.Add(new Claim("user_email", user.EmailAddress ?? string.Empty));
claims.Add(new Claim("CompanyId", abpUser.CompanyId.HasValue ? abpUser.CompanyId.ToString() : string.Empty));
claims.Add(new Claim("UserExternalId", abpUser.UserExternalId ?? string.Empty));
context.IssuedClaims = claims;
I don't know how to do that in abp.io. Please help me. Thank you.