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Hi maliming! How to contact to angular team? Can you support for me contact to angular team?

Thanks for maliming! I Looking forward to angular team response!

Hi maliming! Can you help me for this? I need this part urgently!

Hi maliming! Thank you for supporting me! My Authen service can automaticaly resolve issuer with tenant name and protocol is https But I cannot login on tenant (angular application). After that login successfully, you can see API get token is successfully. But I cannot redirect to home page on angular application.

angualr: https://ticoplatform.com
authen: https://testing-auth.ticoplatform.com
api: https://testing-api.ticoplatform.com

angualr: https://ticogroup.com
authen: https://testing-auth.ticogroup.com
api: https://testing-api.ticogroup.com

In Opposite, Host tenant has login successfully and redirect to home page of angular application.

Can you help me for this?

Hi maliming Before, I used Template Application when crete solution with single tenant. When angular application get API /.well-known/openid-configuration, the reponse is urls


"issuer": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/", "authorization_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/connect/authorize", "token_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/connect/token", "introspection_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/connect/introspect", "end_session_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/connect/logout", "revocation_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/connect/revocat", "userinfo_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/connect/userinfo", "device_authorization_endpoint": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/device", "jwks_uri": "http://testing-auth.ticogroup.com/.well-known/jwks",

As you see, all url have http protocol. So I configure PreConfigure OpenIddictServerBuilder to set fixed value urls with https protocol

Here is the my code:

builder .SetAuthorizationEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/authorize", "/connect/authorize", configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/authorize/callback", "/connect/authorize/callback") // /.well-known/oauth-authorization-server // /.well-known/openid-configuration //.SetConfigurationEndpointUris() // /.well-known/jwks .SetCryptographyEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/.well-known/jwks", "/.well-known/jwks") .SetDeviceEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/device", "/device") .SetIntrospectionEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/introspect", "/connect/introspect") .SetLogoutEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/logout", "/connect/logout") .SetRevocationEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/revocat", "/connect/revocat") .SetTokenEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/token", "/connect/token") .SetUserinfoEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/userinfo", "/connect/userinfo") .SetVerificationEndpointUris(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"] + "/connect/verify", "/connect/verify");

Currently, My Project is implementing multiteancy and resolver tenant with domain.

Host: angualr: https://ticoplatform.com authen: https://testing-auth.ticoplatform.com api: https://testing-api.ticoplatform.com

tenant: angualr: https://ticogroup.com authen: https://testing-auth.ticogroup.com api: https://testing-api.ticogroup.com

So above code cannot work, Because above code has fixed value. Can you guild for me any solution for automatic resolve value with tenant and https protocol. Because domain not contains https protocol the angular application have blocked domain.

Hi maliming! I add this like below code. But I'm having problem on anglar application. Still the same problem I mentioned above.

Can you help me for this?

Hi maliming! Yea, I'm sure Handle variable has set value equals true and return a tenant name.

You can see the screen shot!

Hi maliming! Yea, I added custom resolver domain class

Here is the my code:

Can you help me see it?

Hi maliming! Can you explain it to me in more detail?

this is angular url: host : https://ticoplatform.com tenant: https://ticogroup.com

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