Activities of "datdv1"

Hi liangshiwei

Currently I extend from this class TenantResolveContributorBase Then I can get the scope by using "context.GetHttpContext().Request.Host.Host;" I can get the current tenant, but i cannot change tenant based on the teant that I get Am I right to use the code below? Could you tell me how to change the current tenant info?

here is the code:

thanks liangshiwei!

Hi liangshiwei. I don't want to replace component. whether, I can extend and customize with dynamic form?

Hi liangshiwei. I'm implementing customize modal create and update tenant in angular UI I added successfully three fields: BrandLogo, BrandName, Domain I'm using config ObjectExtensionManager inside Domain.Shared project. Currently, I want to change field BrandLogo inside angular from textbox type to select file which can upload to folder of server. Can you support me for this?

Thanks liangshiwei for support me.

Hi liangshiwei

Source code is here:

I'm impement code from here: I got the error cannot resolve functions or properties. i think some functions or properties not imported, Can you share import for this?

The is sreen short here:

I have successfully customize SaaS module to add 3 properties (BrandName, BrandLogo, Domain) to the Tenant entity. Now I want to detect the current tenant based on the domain (url) in the incoming request (not logined) so that I can get the BrandName and BrandLogo to display in the Login page. How can I do this?

Hi liangshiwei! How do I detect the current tenant based on the domain (url) in the incoming request and set it in the current user's claims?

here is the screen short my solution:

When the collection will be created the first time it is used

I mean how many minutes does it need to create collections and how many minutes does it need to create initialized data Let say when I create tenant at 14:00, so it takes 5 minutes to create all collection and initialized data, right?

You need to put the in the Themes/LeptonX/Layouts/Account folder of the .AuthServer project

When I creating solution I choose not to separate option, so that in project. AuthServer module is not a separated module Currently, I want to custom the login page, Could you please show me where is the login page inside the source code, please give me a screen shot of login page. (Because the Auth server is not an separated module, if you have any source code that config like this, please send me )

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