Activities of "enisn"

It's an unexpected behavior. We'll fix it in next release.

So your credit is refunded.

Hi yousef.h85

The version 5.0 hasn't a stable release right now. It targets net 6.0 and it hasn't stable release yet too.

I can't suggest to use pre-release versions on Production.

There is a migration guide you can always follow instructions to upgrade to abp 5.0:

By the way, My personally suggestion is: If you development lasts more than 2 months you can start with ABP 5.0, stable version will be already released in 2 months.

Shared libraries especially not related with AspNetCore are targetting netstandard. Because they can be used from any platform such as dektop, mobile, IOT runtime and even more.

Those packages will work fine in your .net 5 runtime and any other .net runtimes.

MVC bundling system does not support dynamic imports. If you use a 3rd party library that needs those imports, you need to bundle them together and serve it

Hi @VivekKoppula

Let me know if it happens while running published blazor-server applications


You can use .RequireAuthenticated() extension method for MenuItem:

var administration = context.Menu.GetAdministration();

var languagesMenu = administration.FindMenuItem(LanguageManagementMenuNames.GroupName);

var menuItem = new ApplicationMenuItem(
                    "My Sub Language Menu", 
               .RequireAuthenticated(); // <-- You add this method.


We have published a section on Saas Documentation about it.

***Consts.cs files are not API Controllers and they don't have any endpoints. Proxy generation generates code from swagger.json. So if you expose your consts with a Controller, proxy generation will be able to generate that endpoint.

Or you can add your custom menu under existing module menu:

var administration = context.Menu.GetAdministration();

var languagesMenu = administration.FindMenuItem(LanguageManagementMenuNames.GroupName);

languagesMenu.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubLanguageMenu", "My Sub Language Menu", "#"));

Hi, Do you ask creating your own section like below?

var administration = context.Menu.GetAdministration();

var mySection = new ApplicationMenuItem("MySection", "My Section", "#", "fa fa-file");


mySection.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubMenu", "My Sub Menu 1", "#"));
mySection.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubMenu2", "My Sub Menu 2", "#"));
mySection.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubMenu3", "My Sub Menu 3", "#"));

var mySubMenu4 = new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubMenu4", "My Sub Menu 4", "#");

mySubMenu4.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubMenu4A", "My Sub Menu 4.A", "#"));
mySubMenu4.AddItem(new ApplicationMenuItem("MySubMenu4B", "My Sub Menu 4.B", "#"));

Showing 441 to 450 of 489 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30