How can I reproduce this case?
Hello, It is quite hard for me to make you test our case. In general I am interested in understanding what may be happening under the hood in those 40 seconds between the various log calls that you see. The logs are produced locally in debug mode and no other operation is running in the application other that that, as you can see there are no other endpoints being called or any other automatic log.
What may be happening that makes the "Request finished" happen almost 40 seconds after that clock calls?
[18:57:28 DBG] Elapsed time: 5661 ms is the last line of code before the return statement [18:57:44 DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the current audit log [18:57:44 INF] Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos.PagedResultDto`1[[IISCert.Certonline.BaseDto.CertificatoRinnovoDto, IISCert.Certonline.Application.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]'. [18:57:44 INF] Executed action IISCert.Certonline.Legacy.WebCertificatoPubblicazioniAppService.GetListMantenimentiAsync (IISCert.Certonline.Application) in 21726.8956ms [18:57:44 INF] Executed endpoint 'IISCert.Certonline.Legacy.WebCertificatoPubblicazioniAppService.GetListMantenimentiAsync (IISCert.Certonline.Application)' [18:57:59 DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the current audit log [18:57:59 INF] Request finished HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44352/api/app/web-certificato-pubblicazioni/mantenimenti?maxResultCount=50&skipCount=0&sorting=
to be clearer, this is the end of the method:
// stop timer
var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Log.Debug(new StringBuilder().Append("Elapsed time: ").Append(elapsedMs).Append(" ms").ToString());
return new PagedResultDto<CertificatoRinnovoDto>(
Almost 30 seconds pass between the watch stop at the end of the method and the avaliability of the result for the browser. What happens in this time? Is it possible to reduce it? Thank you for your answers