Activities of "gterdem"

Well, the problems here is; you are using web-socket for enqueing the background jobs. That means your application service endpoint is never being called. So, the hangfire integration needs to be done in the Web layer instead of the HttpApi.Host.

You can examine the PR I've sent

Since the the hangfire is being hosted by the Web application, navigate to https://localhost:44391/hangfire to see the hangfire dashboard.

PS: Thank you very much for creating a repository for your problem.

We've a documentation about communication between microservices:

Essentially, you get to choose the authentication flow for this communication. Recommended way is using the client_credentials flow as in the samples. Or, you can use ResourceOwnerPassword flow where you need to define a user and the password to obtain the access token.


Prometheus should be getting data from ElasticSearch i think. Can you check if the elastic search is running fine?

This is not related to ABP and we're not expert of all the tools of DevOps, sorry.

You can check the documentation about Azure app deployment:

The eShopOnAbp has helm deployment sample at:

The problem seems to be related to your OpenIddictDataSeeder located under the IdentityService.

Normally, you can choose either running the DbMigrator to migrate all the databases or let each database migrate themselves.

If you want to fix the issue, it seems related to the CreateApplicationAsync of the OpenIddictDataSeeder. You may have forgotten to override the OpenIddict values of IdentityService appsettings.json.

Hi, We can not provide online meeting. To solve the problem quickly, you can provide more information about when do you get this error? What is the reproduction steps?

As the looks of it, it is like you are trying to login with swagger UI and you get this error after returning from the AuthServer. If so, you need to add/override the gateway URL in the AuthServer CORS under the appsettings.

Did you try the LichArnold's solution at ?

@mahmut.gundogdu Did we have updates on v7.4 based on this issue?

You should remove that package. Here is the related migration guide:

[20:23:22 WRN] requestId: 0HMUBBQVGSBOD:00000004, previousRequestId: no previous request id, message: Error Code: ConnectionToDownstreamServiceError Message: Error connecting to downstream service, exception: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Connection refused (localhost:44367)
 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (111): Connection refused

The error indicates that the problem is related to your gateway downstream. It seems you may have forgotten to override the re-routing for the gateways.

As a reminder, the configuration @maliming shared should be under the AdministrationService module.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21