Activities of "gterdem"

From IdentityServer Management UI, you can change the token lifetime. To do that,

Navigate to Administration-> Identity Server -> Clients

Actions->Edit of your application

Advanced-> Tokens: Change the Access Token Lifetime

If you are trying to run the container in Visual Studio using Docker Compose, you need to run on Release.

You need to check the application logs in order to diagnose the problem but since the container has shut down immidiately, it seems you can't.

To diagnose the corrupted image:

run docker ps -a to see your exited container. Sample image below:

Create new image based on stopped container:

Overwrite entrypoint to get into the new container:

Remove the image with docker image rm debug/ubuntu when you are done.

Follow these steps to navigate into Log folder for logs.txt in your application to see the error.

You need to build all project references. If you have downloaded the framework, there is a build folder. try running build-all.ps1.

I wouldn't suggest substituding default identity tables (AspNetUsers) with abp identity users (AbpUsers). Since AbpUsers have extra fields for audit fields, extra-properties and multi-tenancy than default identity users.

You may need to update default Identity repositories as well not to mention loosing the ability to use Object Extensions.

Instead, i would suggest transferring/converting data. It should work just fine.

Maybe you forget to run DbMigrator to apply the migrations?

Try setting AccessTokenLifetime (or also IdentityTokenLifetime if you need) to 15*60 (token values are in seconds).

If you are using hybrid/authorization code flow and using refresh token; also set AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime to 15*60.

Error indicates that it can't find GenieERPBlazorAzutoMapperProfile.cs under Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Admin.Blazor.

Can you check Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Admin.Blazor project? Default should be: <br>

namespace Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Admin.Blazor
    public class AbpAccountAdminBlazorAutoMapperProfile : Profile{
    public AbpAccountAdminBlazorAutoMapperProfile()


Did you or suit replaced this file?

You need to scaffold the database and integrate efcore (or mongo) to that dbcontext. You can check ef-core integration docs.


In OnGetExternalLoginCallbackAsync method, there is a code piece where user is created then signed in: <br>


var externalUser = await CreateExternalUserAsync(externalLoginInfo);

await SignInManager.SignInAsync(externalUser, false);

Add identity settings control between: <br>

var externalUser = await CreateExternalUserAsync(externalLoginInfo);

if (await CheckRequiredIdentitySettings()) // Checks SettingManagement for RequiredConfirmedEmail or RequiredConfirmedPhoneNumber
    Logger.LogWarning($"New external user is created but confirmation is required!");

    await StoreConfirmUser(externalUser); // Stores data for confirmation page
    return RedirectToPage("./ConfirmUser", new // Redirects to confirmation page
        returnUrl = ReturnUrl,
        returnUrlHash = ReturnUrlHash

await SignInManager.SignInAsync(externalUser, false);

Here is the CheckRequiredIdentitySettings method: <br>

private async Task<bool> CheckRequiredIdentitySettings()
    var requireConfirmedEmail = await SettingProvider.IsTrueAsync(IdentitySettingNames.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail);
    var requireConfirmedPhoneNumber = await SettingProvider.IsTrueAsync(IdentitySettingNames.SignIn.RequireConfirmedPhoneNumber);
    return requireConfirmedEmail || requireConfirmedPhoneNumber;

Hello @riley.trevillion,

I understand your issue that, when the external user is loggin in for the first time; new external user is created and logged in immidiately when even identity settings required email/phone is selected.

I reproduced the problem and fixed the issue. It should be available in the next 4.3 patch release.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30