Activities of "gterdem"

whats the work around and Expected date of release?

We don't have a workaround yet, we are working on it. So, there is no release date for it yet. But you can add your custom solution based on the gateway you are using.

This is a known issue,

We are working on a better way to handle swagger ui for gateways in microservice solutions.

The problem you come across is related to the swagger ui configuration. Currently, we are adding microservice.swagger.json files as definitions. However these endpoints are located based on the gateway routes. Since the gateways have internal service names for routing, it fails when the application is served on the browser.

I've refunded your credit, we're working on a solution to handle swagger ui in gateways.

We have bugs related to blazor k8s deployment. Solved in online meeting.

Fixed on 7.4


We have documentation about explaining the helm charts of the microservices in

If you couldn't find the solution, you can invite me ( to a zoom call between 14:00-18:00 (UTC-5 Toronto time) in this week.

You can check the docker deployment docs for application templates:

Hello, Blazor and Angular applications are using Nginx as webserver while others are using Kestrel. Generated ssl pfx file path and passphrase are using for Kestrel environment for SSL. For Nginx, you can't create pfx file; you will need to use different methods also different tools.

Okay sorry, I thought you are using non-tiered app template but you are basically using no-layered app template.

DbMigration in no-layered application template is done by passing the argument --migrate-database.

The initial docker-compose file generated with the template (mrs-db-migrator service in your application) basically runs as db-migrator and exits if you examine the Program.cs:

if (IsMigrateDatabase(args))
    await app.Services.GetRequiredService<MyAppDbMigrationService>().MigrateAsync();
    return 0;

So the docker-compose file runs the same docker image as 2 different services:

  • One of them is the application itself: mrs-web
  • Other one is the db-migrator: mrs-db-migrator

So, when you run the docker-compose file, it will look like:

Which indicates the Exited (0) one is being the db-migrator. You can perfectly use it as it is just fine.

Another way

You can also drop using the db-migrator and simply migrate your database whenever you run your application.

Simply override the OnPostApplicationInitializationAsync and add:

public override async Task OnPostApplicationInitializationAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    await context.ServiceProvider

This will run the db-migration after your application is initialized instead of manually triggering it with an argument. You can also drop the mrs-db-migrator service in the docker-compose file if you choose to do so.

Please read

There is a detailed explanation about what to override, how to override and why to override.

I am not familiar with Azure API Management, however you need to use a gateway instead of ocelot in your case. I don't exactly know which product Azure provides for this functionality; not even sure if it provides even.

  1. It should be the gateway you have deployed with a valid DNS on a server, doesn't matter ocelot, krakend, envoy or related Azure API product.
  2. When you make a request from your web application, check the logs of the gateway if it receives it.
  3. Yes you can replace ocelot. I don't know about Azure API Management, you will need to check for other samples related to that.


We only support Sql-Server and MongoDb on docker environment. Generating different docker-compose files based on different dbms is on the backlog. I will update documentation related to this issue.

Your ticket has been refunded.

Thank you.

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