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Activities of "hinairusu"

I suspect this is a little more widespread than just yourselves, I am unable to pull down any module, getting an "Unable to find package X" for the entire volo set. I tried running ABP Suite Update, and had the same issue there - I suspect a service has gone down ABP side. Trying to navigate to the "SearchQueryService/3.0.0-beta" endpoint in the NuGet feed (#3 for me) returns an "Internal Server Error"

Other tickets have an update, It's known and being worked on now.

https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4528/No-packages-exist-with-this-id-in-sources-ABP-Commercial-NuGet-Source-HangfirePro https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4527/error-NU1101-Unable-to-find-package-Voloxxxx-No-packages-exist-with-this-id-in-sources https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4526/Error-when-compile-AuthServer-and-BlazorServer-Project

Hi Dlapointe,

This is a pretty widespread issue right now - We have an update on a few other threads saying they are aware and working on it, but many of us are unable to pull from the NuGets right now.

I'd also be really interested in an update for times, as I've got a client expecting a release today that doesn't look like it's going to happen, given it's been over 5 hours since it was reported.

(If you was asking me, I apologise - I don't work here :D I'm just trying to be helpful with the sudden abundance of time this issue has given me to keep everyone up to date with what little feedback is present across the different locations)


Suggestion here to add each dependancy manually, which appears to have fixed it for one user, but hasn't solved mine.

Also reported here and assigned to someone to look into, but no updates. https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/15683

Useful tidbit, I also sent in an email to Info@ and posted in their discord four hours ago, no response/update on either front there.

In the same vein as the above, it would be really helpful for us if there was a running update, eta, or at least something more than "we will check it" in over 5 hours of major issue.

I know the support team doesn't have an SLA, and it's a really good job you don't right now - but I, like may others waiting here, have clients expecting delivery and it's really difficult to go cap in hand saying "There is an issue, I don't know when it will be fixed. I know release was scheduled for today, but there is nothing I can do, nor do I have any more information".

A status page would be a good start, but updates on issues, especially one as large as the nuget server going down, is critical.

Hi Desarrolloweb,

May be worth checking here: https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4525/Cannot-find-lepton-x-pro-nuget---auth-server

As this is a pretty widespread issue right now - the NuGet feed is down for a lot of us, and we haven't seen any updates yet on it.

Something I have found particularly frustrating is that unless you're on an enterprice license, you can't even reach out to the team directly for feedback or update - it''s a "post and wait" situation. We can't tag anyone, there is no escallation for priority issues, and no way to get updates.

Normally, this wouldn't bother me too much. Minor issues are usually something you can work elsewhere while you wait on, but something of this scale? It's crazy.


That's where I've been collecting all the data so far, as it's the oldest ticket I found on the topic.

Hi Desarrolloweb,

May be worth checking here: https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4525/Cannot-find-lepton-x-pro-nuget---auth-server

As this is a pretty widespread issue right now - the NuGet feed is down for a lot of us, and we haven't seen any updates yet on it.

Do you have any idea of when the service will be working again?

Please see my post in that thread ;)

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