Activities of "isteer"

Which place need to add, have three account controller in the system as of now.

Also what returnURL and returnHash need to be passed here?

If you available can we do zoom meeting. So that you can check if the code is properly configured to handle token expiration, we want user to auto redirect to login page once token get expired.

We get redirected to this error page.


Thanks for the help, Really Appreciate it.


Hello Yes, It is working now, have removed WebDAV module from API and web both and now it is working.


Hello @liangshiwei Zoom meeting ended? It is not fixed yet. What do we do next now?


Hello @liangshiwei Can we connect now for testing it together on zoom call?



Our users currently working on the production site. We won't be able to do any changes on the production server.

I will sent an email or send a message here when we have the system for testing and redeployments.




Going for lunch now, Let me message you post lunch and then you can check on zoom meeting.

Thanks, Let me try and redeploy this and will update you on the impact. Meanwhile can you check the other ticket also where I have posted reply.

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