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Activities of "jward01"

  • ABP Framework version: v4.2.2
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): Identity Server Separated (Angular)
  • Exception message and stack trace: SocketException: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • 1.Create new project, set front-end to Angular.
  • 2. Set Identity Server to Separate Project
  • 3. Create a single new entity in ABP Suite. Click 'Run Migrations'.
  • 4. Set Startup projects to: Public, Host, & Identity Server
  • 5. Hit 'Start'
  • 6. Swagger will load, nothing else will

<br> I am a brand new user to ABP, I am evaluating the software for my company.  While on the surface it seems like it could be very helpful, the entire process has been a massive struggle.

Issue .1) - MASSIVELY SLOOOOOOOOWWWWW I have ran visual studio solutions before with many many projects, I know what slow is.  This is so slow it is not usable, it takes ~3-5 minutes just to start the solution. If I am lucky Swagger loads.  I have never gotten any UI to load.  This ticket is for Angular. At first I tried to use Blazor, and that was very buggy... I to get the solution to run using Blazor, so I tried again using Angular. And now the same issue is here. It is massively slow and will not run on the initial build.

Issue .2) - I create a new Monolith app, add a single new entity, and the project will not run. Errors on initial build, Swagger loads, nothing else loads. This is very disappointing as I feel as if I am making no code changes, I am running a clean project with the only action performed by me is adding a single entity (see images attached).

Swagger loads in 1-3 minutes, and nothing else ever loads. Either black screen and keeps spinning and spinning. Or instantly failed, or I get an error (see attached).

I feel like I am missing something. I am making no code changes, following all directions, have proper connection string, new tables are added to database no problem. This is really cumbersome.

<br> <br>

Also, kinda ghetto how I cannot attach files, I have to paste them into the doc editor....  I have many images, so I created links instead. I hope you understand.

Images below:

https://ibb.co/tLgZhWc https://ibb.co/sq9PCjF https://ibb.co/jr6BxQS https://ibb.co/QfQhF7y https://ibb.co/ZRQHTd0 https://ibb.co/xmtR5bs https://ibb.co/ynPJfxY https://ibb.co/Zf80YmG https://ibb.co/xFmWZbr


TEACHER NEEDED QUESTION - Is there a professional I can book a 2 to 4 hour session with where I can ask questions, and simply be shown how to run a basic solution, add (1) new entity, and watch it work? I have questions like why is it so slow? Why am I getting errors when I make no code changes? I paid $2,000 for this (its fine, if it really helps), but I feel like there must be something I am doing wrong because this is not working out at all, and im only trying to get it to load. Nothing special.

<b>Is there a tutor, a class, a course, or some instructor I can contact for this? I don't mind paying for the assistance, I just want to see how ABP can help us build better software, faster.</b> At this point, I feel like I can be much more productive starting with a blank-slate and writing my own code the old fashioned way...

<br> <br> <br> <br>

The applications use Redis as the distributed cache. So, you need to have Redis up & running.

Thank you! this solved it for me :) very cool!

Errors on initial build

I have looked everywhere to try and find where the logs are generated. ABP does not have details on internal logging like this, or if they do, I cannot find it.

** Do you know how I can generate logs?**

Noob Question #1: ABP Suite Screenshot here Do you know why these red dot's appear? I am sure its an error, but no details are given to why they appear? I can modify existing entities just fine, but if I want to create a new one, these dots appear.

What do these dots mean?

Noob Question #2 Is there a place where I can ask these noob questions? Like how to generate logs, and what the red dots mean? I understand I am only allowed to ask 15 questions on this forum. I'd rather save those questions for very technical things, not 'simple' questions like these.



I could not find documentation on this one, I suppose it has to do something with 'event handling', but not 100% sure.

On the ABP UI, there is a checkbox called Email Validation. Screenshot here

Question .1) - My question is simple, what does this do?

I searched the documentation, the only refrence I could find to email validation is here on Stack Overflow [abp], and I am pretty sure its unrelated to the real purpose.

Does anyone know what this checkbox does? And better, why / when would I check this box?

Question 2.) - My questions are very noob, is there a better place to ask these questions I understand I only have 15 free questions before I can purchase more questions. I would rather save my 15 questions for technical topics, not simple questions like this. Does anyone have any advice on where I can post these simple questions without using my 15 questions?

Thanks all!!

Thanks for this! Just for clarification, would this question count as 'technical discussion'? Or would this question qualify as one I can send to info@abp.io?


When I with with ABP Suite, often times I get this error:

https://ibb.co/vjrrKnR and another image: Screenshot here

I cannot 'create' or use the ABP Suite interface. The strange thing is my application builds fine. No errors, see here: https://ibb.co/jDh37mh

The only way I can get around this is that I have to 'refresh' (F5) the ABP suite editor, and then I have approximately 1-3 minutes before the error appears again.

Do you know how I can fix this?



There is no documentation with this, its very lacking in steps to get it to run. For example, see my screen here:


See this comment here which many people agree with me: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/2144

The documentation is lacking in creating modules, and then integrating the modules within existing solutions.

How is this accomplished?


Creating a module from the ABP suite does not include the 'host' directory.

I have now created a module from the startup directory. Where can i find instructions on how to install the module manually into my main application?

The existing documentation is not detailed in "Which package is installed in which 'target application project'. And also how is this done, what is the recommended method?


I am having this same issue, what was the solution?

I have a module which I refrence in my Host Monolith.

If i navigate or use an endpoint from the module I get this same error:

An error has occurred! Authorization failed! Given policy has not granted.

Can we map it the other direction? For example I have these two entites:

  • UserMenu.cs
  • MenuItem.cs

A UserMenu can have many MenuItems.

If I use the GUI, I can only map it in this direction:

MenuItem --> has a UserMenu

If I query a UserMenu, no MenuItems appear.

If I query a MenuItem the UserMenu is returned in the query.

My goal is to query the UserMenu and have many MenuItems returned, 2 or more.

Is this possible in ABP Suite?

  • ABP Framework version: v4.4.0

  • UI type: None

  • DB provider: EF Core

  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): Module with no UI

  • Exception message and stack trace: Cannot find package {{ModuleName}}.Blazorize.Server

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

    1. Ensure CLI and ABP Suite are both version 4.4.0 (not pre-release)
    1. Create a new module Solution with NO UI
    1. Build the new Module App Soltion
    1. Error will appear for missing package {{moduleName}}.Blazorize.Server cannot be found

I am under the impression I created a Module with No UI. Now I see that it is looking for a Blazorize Module? I am confused to why it will not build. I have done 0 modifications and it will not build

Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40