Activities of "lan.dang"

Can you give me snipper code to overwrite this component? I just manually hide some specific field eg if (!propertyInfo.Name.EndsWith("_Text")) => if (!propertyInfo.Name.EndsWith("_Text") && !propertyInfo.Name.Equals("Token"))

OR alternative solution is give me source code of UserManagement page in Pro module so I disable ExtraProperties

Thank you I get it works

But I want to call it in AppService, is it possible? With Tenant I can add my method by create interface public interface ICustomTenantRepository : IRepository<Tenant, Guid> { Task<Tenant> FindBySubscriptionIdAsync(string subscriptionId); } How can I do the same with IdentityUser?

Can you give me example?

query.WhereIf(input.FullName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(), e => EF.Property<string>(e, "FullName") == input.FullName); What is EF in this line?

It is just in logs file, actually it does not give error in UI but I hope they are not there so I easy to find out other error

Thank you, it solved the problem

it still return 403 Fobbiden

I sent you project link in mail, please confirm me if you have not get it Thank you

Yes I will try create simple project and share with you. BTW, could you explain me how ClaimType.Role work? As debugging, HttpContext.User is already Authenticated, there is also claim Role correctly but could not access to permission that role has been assigned

I think the problem related to Dynamic Claim feature in new version.

  1. I add JWT Bearer in *BlazorModule file
  2. Then add this line app.UseJwtTokenMiddleware();

If I add this configure : ConfigureAuthentication It gives error : "token_invalid"

If I removed ConfigureAuthentication It generate token, but could not pass [Authorize(Permissions.Create)] , OK with [Authorize]

So I think there is problem with Claim. Do you have any example that I can follow to implement API bearer token?

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