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If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:
At present, it is used in the internal environment, enable https for some system modifications is too large, how to disable https
Serve your authserver under HTTP (without HTTPS redirection).
Confirm you have HTTP issuer under
endpoint.Update your application's appsettings
section and setRequireHttpsMetadata
to false.
Hi gterdem
Following the above practices was not successful, the following are error messages
error:invalid_request error_description:This server only accepts HTTPS requests. error_uri:
hi maliming
It didn't work.
Can you try to use
?Configure<OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreBuilder>(configure => { configure.DisableTransportSecurityRequirement(); });
After trying to add the following configuration, it works.
Configure(options =>
options.DisableTransportSecurityRequirement = true;