hi, when i create module project with abp suite, blazor ui not work, its freeze looding... you can see error on network
Hello, We are planning to move our application from zero to abp.
Us company have multiple saas projects
To use apb effectively, i try to create empty moduler projects & architectural
My main purpose, if we want us projects have to work modular monolith(unified on one host) or seprated(like mikroservice at firstly them will be like macroservice)
For authentication & authorization if customer use all products, projects have to use one single sign on server, or if we want we have to seprate auth for each project
For each project i created 2 solution, firstly with application template Company.ProjectName (host for main module) and with module template Company.ProjectName.MainModule (it could be contain more small services/modules in feature)
If we want unified them, i will create one host solution and will referance each ProjectName.MainModule
My main question is if we use single authentication & authorization server, how will we manage create user & permissions, i guess each project have to user table because each project have different props for users. For example if project a want to create user, are we create it firstly project a and sync to identity or opposite? For permissions management, each project will have too many permissions, should we control them from a single point? can every project manage own permissions? I mean should auth server know all permissions for each project?
I created new application solution from suite with blazor ui after i add module to solution from suite modules pages its generated but host projects is missing of module
Firstly i created project like below
After i created module like below
after open module solution, its look like below (host projects unloaded because they not created physically in folder)
also if you open app solution, its not added module project to solution even i select add to the solution)
and its not added here
@alper this is actually modify mvc page right? Because abp have not blazor version for account pages? And why login page and user profile pages separated from main project? Profile page not look good because of layout (menu lost)..
Can we login without use identity server for trusted applications (i mean without redrect and callback)?
What is its purpose to move login and account pages to server side web application?
okey i will create new question
I have similar scenario, I have 3 main product (they like isolated microservice groups)
I want to seperate persmissions module for each product (seprated database), Also i want to seperate groups for each product because of every product admin could be diffirent
But i want to centeralized Identity server and identity actually just users I have some doubts
When user login, how it collect permissions from seprated databases
To solve mess i created some scenarios in my mind
But now i have new challenges I will create 4. common identity module and collect all product identity module data here for sync (throw and catch event from products identity) Identity server sign manager will check 4. common identity when user login and for assign permissions and groups If any product do some modification on user, group or permission i have to sync it with 4. main identity module But every product just will see them groups and permissions and users
But each scenario have some challenges, i dont know maybe more effective logical ways, what is best practies i need advices for that?
Abp commercial can create example for this real life scenario?
CRUD Page Generator not generate files for blazor project if you working on module