Activities of "murat.yuceer"

  • ABP Framework version: v4.2.2
  • UI type: Blazor Wasm
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes

Hi, how can i get current user bearer token to call remote api without using dynamic proxy client. Can you provide full example with HttpClient object

I try to get options from IHttpClientProxy but its just have service info. I wish we could get ready to use HttpClient object for make custom call..

I try to implement devexpress DataGrid CustomData option. Its provide to call api with paging,sorting,group by,summary.. options. And it can modify IQuarable object by your input object (await DataSourceLoader.LoadAsync(query, input))

For that you have to create method with special signature (how devex DataGrid like) async Task<LoadResult> GetData(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) But dynamic proxy couldnt serialize DataSourceLoadOptionsBase object why i dont know, already devex have helper method for that options.ConvertToGetRequestUri("http://apiurl")


Hello, We are planning to move our application from zero to abp.

Us company have multiple saas projects

To use apb effectively, i try to create empty moduler projects & architectural

My main purpose, if we want us projects have to work modular monolith(unified on one host) or seprated(like mikroservice at firstly them will be like macroservice)

For authentication & authorization if customer use all products, projects have to use one single sign on server, or if we want we have to seprate auth for each project

For each project i created 2 solution, firstly with application template Company.ProjectName (host for main module) and with module template Company.ProjectName.MainModule (it could be contain more small services/modules in feature)

If we want unified them, i will create one host solution and will referance each ProjectName.MainModule

My main question is if we use single authentication & authorization server, how will we manage create user & permissions, i guess each project have to user table because each project have different props for users. For example if project a want to create user, are we create it firstly project a and sync to identity or opposite? For permissions management, each project will have too many permissions, should we control them from a single point? can every project manage own permissions? I mean should auth server know all permissions for each project?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 16, 2025, 11:47