Activities of "n.uerkmez"

Hi there,

Thank you for your Master-Detail solution in ABP suite version 8.0.0.rc2. I have some suggestions for further improvement of this issue.

  1. Search is already available in the Master section. It would be great if we could also search in the Detail section. 2.Such a use case exists in business applications. An Entity with Entity type Child can be a Master for another page. For example, on a page (Authors) the Author entity can be the Master and the Book entity can be its child.
    But on the Books page, Book can be the Master, whereas Authors can be its child. What solution can you offer in this case?

Hi there,

The problem in the link is still present on the newly generated pages. It is not practical to offer a manual solution. Wouldn't it be better if you fixed the problem?

Thank you

Navigation properties do not work in generated UI (Angular)


*This is a bug report only for ABP suite v. 7.4.0. It did not happen in the previous version. Please refund my ticket.

Thanks for the prompt answer.

I would like to create a global filter instead of aligning each Domain Service class like as following.

namespace MultiTenancyDemo.Products
    public class ProductManager : DomainService
        private readonly IRepository<Product, Guid> _productRepository;

        public ProductManager(IRepository<Product, Guid> productRepository)
            _productRepository = productRepository;

        public async Task<long> GetProductCountAsync(Guid? tenantId)
            using (CurrentTenant.Change(tenantId))
                return await _productRepository.GetCountAsync();

My question is about how to implement globally

Do you think the following code may work?

protected override Expression> CreateFilterExpression()
var parentTenantId = currentTenant.Id.ToString();
Guid[] tenantIdsToFilter;
    var tenants = await tenantRepository.GetListAsync();
    var subTenants = tenants.where(x => x.GetProperty<string>("ParentTenantId") == parentTenantId).ToList();
    tenantIdsToFilter = subTenants.Select(t=>t.Id).ToArray(); 

Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> tenantIdFilterExpression =
    e => !IsActiveFilterEnabled || tenantIdsToFilter.Contains(EF.Property<Guid>(e, "TenantId"));

I have checked this documentation. However, I need help to implement the following use case.

Could you provide a sample on how to implement complex use-case (not only filter with a boolean value)?

In my use case, I need to find all sub Tenants by ParentTenantId and then filter the data accordingly.

List<Guid> subTenants = new List<Guid>(){ SubTenantsGuids};

I need to use create an expression like tenantId=> subTenants.contains(tenantId)

protected override Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>()
    var expression = base.CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>();

    if (typeof(IMultiTenant).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)))
        Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> isTenantFilter =
          e => !IsTenantFilterEnabled || EF.Property<Guid>(e, "TenantId");
        expression = expression == null 
            ? isTenantFilter 
            : CombineExpressions(expression, isTenantFilter);

    return expression;

How I can filter by a list of Guid in the section of Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> isTenantFilter = e => !IsTenantFilterEnabled || EF.Property<Guid>(e, "TenantId"); expression = expression == null ? isTenantFilter : CombineExpressions(expression, isTenantFilter);**

Thanks in Advance

Thanks. That is good insight

Thanks, that works.


Failure sending mail. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10013): An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.

You can use this sample to test your email configuration.

Is there any way to disable email to send functionality? I want to skip sending emails during user registration for now. What if I delete block of #if DEBUG .... #endif?

#if DEBUG context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>()); #endif

Hi, I have sent you some detailed log data regarding the login/logout issue in the Azure App service.
If you need more details please let me know. Thanks in advance

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13