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Activities of "neethucp"


I tried extending LogoutModel. But it is not getting invoked. I also tried extending the LogoutController and adding the following in GetAsync method. But I'm getting an error.


What we are looking for is to logout from the external provider, by invoking the end session endpoint, and perform a single sign out. We have registered Azure AD as external provider in the auth server using OpenID Connect with dynamic options. So, when we logout we want to redirect to Azure AD logout uri.

Thank you @liangshiwei. It is working now.

Ok. Now when the user login through external provider, the user is redirected to the registration page with the username and email prefilled. Is there any configuration to auto register the user and log them in without showing the registration page?

Thank you @liangshiwei. We will try that. Is there any way to debug abp commercial packages. CopyDebugSymbolFilesFromPackages is not working for commercial packages.

It is working now. Thank you for the fix.

Hi, The cache is getting cleared but after updating the role and invoking challenge method, the policies are not updated in the cache. It only appears if we log out and log in again. We have reproduced the issue in a template project. Can you please share the support email id so that we can sent it to you?


We are trying to integrate OData using package. We need to return an IQueryable and not list.

If we use (dbContext.Collection<LicenceParty>().AsQueryable()) instead of ((await GetMongoQueryableAsync<LicenceParty>())), it fixes the error, but not sure on how to apply the data filters.

I have provided the sample for brevity, but this will be a more complex query with multiple joins like licence party joined to Party etc. We have tried a few methods but was getting error in the query.

That worked. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for the response. We have a blazor server application, so we don't have access to httpcontext in razor components. So not sure on from where we have to invoke the Challenge method.

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