Activities of "nhontran"

Thanks @maliming, so the tempkey.jwk is generated because Api.Host references to AbpIdentityServerDomain module, this file is not in used, right?

Hi, we have followed and override the JavaScript, it works now.

Thank you.

Hi, our current version is v3.3.2. We are not upgrading to the latest version just yet. And we need to address this vulnerability asap. Can you confirm on this, please?

Hi @gterdem, any update on this?

Hi @gterdem, we have removed the "offline_access" scope from Angular UI and disabled the "allow offline access" in IS4. However, the Angular still sends the refresh token request to IS4 and got 400 error.

so, may I know how to stop the UI to trigger the "refresh token" request?

Regarding the 2nd question, is it possible to catch the "refresh token" trigger event from Angular side?

Hi @liangshiwei, we don't have plan to upgrade the version yet, is there any work around to fix this performance issue?

I have uploaded the log at the link below:!ApPUoIZEMrYMtn3IJjd1tuCyT72O?e=YbygD8

And the testing project:!ApPUoIZEMrYMtnyLclv1FrijY-o_?e=qzKjg3

Could you please help us take a look, thank you.

Hi @maliming,

Sorry for my late reply, I have shared the code to your email, please help us take a look.

var product = ObjectMapper.Map<ProductCreateDto, Product>(input);

// create product 1
product = await _productRepository.InsertAsync(product, autoSave: true);

// issue: product 1 was not created when I was debugging to this return line of code
return ObjectMapper.Map<Product, ProductDto>(product);

Hmm.. just figured out that the "-t app-pro -v 3.3.2" has been changed to "-t app -v pro-3.3.2".

Please close the ticket, thanks.

Ok, I got it.

Thanks @maliming

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