when are we releasing **dapr **related changes ?
are you guys also updating module template with lepton-x theme?
all good thanks
When I Run source code command it in main project it downloads source code but in completely sepratefolder.
I have been trying to use your solution to create POC for feasibility POC for microservice solution. I have some issue written ahead. It will be nice if these can be addressed. They are in order of their priority.
All this feedback should be taken in good faith . I have used your solution (ASPnet boilerplate , ASPNET Zero ) in past and impressed by quality of you product. I hope it to be improved by this feedback.
fyi. My person subscription was until 30th. Will try to update only if org thinks POC is good enough for our microservice architecture with 4+ teams .
Even if I download the source code from abp suite. Is there a guide to plug this into angular project. any pointers will be helpfull
without those style files what use is the theme source is? Project will heavily depend on styling and I could not find proper documents how to customize leptonx theme..
https://gist.github.com/muhammedaltug/8969dd3ea00e902b034c8a5743165248 this Thread helped . But its no way the idea solution.