Activities of "okains"


I just emailed the log files for all 3 services.



Still can't see this in the Staging logs on Azure, but I can see the log entry it in Dev now, but getting a Bearer was not Authenticated message and no token:

However I do seem to be logged in, at least I can do admin things. However the Admin Profile menu isn't there. This is basically the initial question!

So I am assuming even if the logging was working on Staging that the same Bearer was not Authenticated result that I am getting in dev.


I added the code, but didn't get anything logged. Can you confirm that I have put this in the right place? I am in my APIHost project, in the OnApplicationInitialization method:

added to the end:

Ran the project, went through the normal steps, logged in, looked at the profile, got a 401 Unauthorized. So I am assuming it should have logged the token ?



Sure, this is what I have in my OpenIddictTokens db ( staging ):

I have emailed you the latest authcode.


I have set the log level to Debug for all 3 projects:

And emailed you the log files.



Hi yeah I just emailed them, thanks.

Ok, just emailed them to you, thanks.


I noticed something just now, I had a mistake in the config. I had shifted this entire app to InteractiveServer, however I left 1 setting at InteractiveAuto by mistake!

I have fixed that issue and redeployed and it seems to have fixed the 404 page flash that was happening. However the initial issues are still there:

Also just emailed the EnvVars dumps from Kudu...


OK I just emailed you the full logs.txt files for both services.

The appsettings.json config should be overridden by the AppService Environment Variables config, I had sent that config to you in the previous email.

I can send a full Environment Dump from Kudu if you think that will help?



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