Hi I shared log files with you. There are previous logs named previous contain your request logs. And there are logs named new contain only request logs of our demo client Project that we shared to you . When IsDynamicClaimsEnabled is false, we get successul result. But IsDynamicClaimsEnabled is true, we are getting (500) internal server error.And gives Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException. We are getting this error without access token regardless IsDynamicClaimsEnabled state.
We have tried to sent request api over client using passwordTokenRequest and ClientCredentialsTokenRequest. But when we sent request using PasswordTokenRequest, we are getting error. I have shared project via email. You can test it.
I think, logs you are checking is old. I sent today dated logs. And they are verbose level logs.
Hi I have shared log files via email. You can check them.
Thank you for help. Regards.
We have tried our project on both kestrel and IIS mode on newly created server. IsDynamicClaimsEnabled is true. On Kestrel mode project works smoothly. We can get session info. But on IIS we are getting Unauthorized.
Here is deployment server version and IIS version.
https://tao1.xxx.net.tr -> Kestrel
https://tao2.xxx.net.tr -> IIS
You can change subdomain to access swagger and auth. https://tao2-auth.xxx.net.tr -> IIS Auth Server https://tao2-api.xxx.net.tr -> IIS Api Host
On AbpPermissionGrant table there are permission for admin.
As you see at sample image of AbpPermissionGrant all permission are assigned to admin from role. admin role is also assigned to admin user. We are trying to login in using admin user. Also you can see Country permissions are given to admin role.