Yes i did review this link, can you tell me what the replacement would be? Whatt would be replaced? The Lepton footer code in the theme looks like: <footer class="lp-footer"><span>2019 - {{ currentYear }} © {{ appInfoName }}</span></footer>The code you are referencing looks like this: this.replaceableComponents.add({ component: MyApplicationLayoutComponent, key: eThemeBasicComponents.ApplicationLayout, }); Are you saying I would need to replace the entire layout?
How do I download the source code? Using this command? abp get-source Volo.LeptonTheme. If yes I did this and ran into build errors detailed above. I tried to install the blazor packaages to resolve the errors, but it did no work
Hello, found the item you refered to to fix Blazor. I am expected to add an entry in the Nuget.config
I searched for said file and it does not exist. This is what I see in the solution
I googled this doc and found that there is a global location for this file: %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet. config. I added the entry to this file, cleaned the solution and rebuilt. If I manange nuget for the solution I see the new entry
I received the ng theme code, that was sent to me from I am integrating it as a local library. It will be cool if I can get it to work. Currently running into some build issues, but want a little more time to work it out
so i finally got the library to build. the process i used was
on Monday I will upgrade the real project to the lastest npm modules for vovo, just to make sure the CORE_OPTIONS isn't a version issue. Could I get file with contents
ok, now the i'm on the latest preview version, i can run the "real" project without errors using a private "npm" module, as i detailed above. that's the good news. however, if I
export class AppComponent { constructor(private replaceableComponents: ReplaceableComponentsService) { this.replaceableComponents.add({ component: FooterComponent, key: eThemeLeptonComponents.ApplicationLayoutFooter, }); } }
I am already doing what you prescribe for the first issue. I noticed after I added the private package, it adds dependencies which I believe includes the original npm package. So my changes are stepped on. If the new functionality is encorporated into 4.1, which is still in rc, then i will wait for 4.1, then the "stepped" becomes a non issue. If all else fails I can always add a postbuild step that does the copy to the node modules. Maybe not the best solution, but it should work for a little while
warning "@volo/ > ng-zorro-antd@9.3.0" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/router@^9.0.0".
warning "@volo/ > ng-zorro-antd > @angular/cdk@9.2.4" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0-0".
warning "@volo/ > ng-zorro-antd > @angular/cdk@9.2.4" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0-0".
warning "@volo/ > ng-zorro-antd > @ant-design/icons-angular@9.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^9.0.0".
warning "@volo/ > ng-zorro-antd > @ant-design/icons-angular@9.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^9.0.0".
warning "@volo/ > ng-zorro-antd > @ant-design/icons-angular@9.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/platform-browser@^9.0.0".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
success Saved 3 new dependencies.
info Direct dependencies
└─** @volo/**
info All dependencies
├─ @abp/ng.setting-management@4.1.0-rc.2
├─ @volo/
└─ flag-icon-css@3.5.0
Done in 9.65s.
The error in the footer was a name collision.
Is the functionality for Lepton Angular Theme Customization available now in 4.2? I looked through the documentation for something that would tell me how to use it, but didn't see anything.
I', going with the first solution. I have to do some ui repair as moving the footer creates some visual issues. the send solution did not work for me.