Starts in:
21 HRS
15 MIN
29 SEC
Starts in:
1 D
21 H
15 M
29 S

Activities of "priyankasynapxe"


Yes, the entity has the ConcurrencyStamp , so there will be an AbpDbConcurrencyException.


ok, thank you. will try.



You can try to catch the exception and ignore or retry.

private async Task<bool> UpdateFCStatus(IList<long> encounterIds, long fcId, long fcModeId,int completedCount = 0, draftCount = 0, exemptedCount = 0) 
        using (var uow = UnitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: true, isTransactional: UnitOfWorkManager.Current?.Options.IsTransactional ?? false)) 
            // your code 
            await uow.CompleteAsync(); 
    catch (AbpDbConcurrencyException e) 

this will not prevent concurrency issue but it's just if concurrency issue comes it will retry, is my understanding correct?



The EncounterMovementPlaceholder inherit fromFullAuditedAggregateRoot and AggregateRoot

So, your entity has a ConcurrencyStamp property.

Can you share the code that caused the exception?

below is the function where I'm updating this table and getting exception

private async Task<bool> UpdateFCStatus(IList<long> encounterIds, long fcId, long fcModeId,int completedCount = 0, draftCount = 0, exemptedCount = 0)
    foreach (long encounterRelation in encounterIds)
        List<FinancialCounseling> fcList = await _financialCounselingRepository.GetEncounterFCRealtionAsync(encounterRelation);
        string fcStatus = string.Format("Completed({0}),Draft({1}),Exempted({2})", completedCount.ToString(), draftCount.ToString(), exemptedCount.ToString());

        var encounterData = await _encounterRepository.GetAsync(encounterRelation);
        encounterData.FCStatus = fcStatus;
        await _encounterRepository.UpdateAsync(encounterData);

        //Updating encounter status in Encounter placeholder table
        **var encounterPlaceHolderData = await _encounterMovementPlaceholderRepository.GetEncounterMovementPlaceholderByEncounterIdAsync(encounterRelation);
        if (encounterPlaceHolderData != null)
            encounterPlaceHolderData.FCStatus = fcStatus;
            await _encounterMovementPlaceholderRepository.UpdateAsync(encounterPlaceHolderData);
    return true;

can you share your entity class code?

This is my class where I'm getting error

using eFC.Patients; using eFC.CodeLookUps; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities; using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities.Auditing; using Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy; using JetBrains.Annotations;

using Volo.Abp;

namespace eFC.EncounterMovementPlaceholders { public class EncounterMovementPlaceholder : FullAuditedAggregateRoot<long> { [NotNull] public virtual string IdentificationText { get; set; }

    public virtual long? InstitutionId { get; set; }

    public virtual DateTime? AdmissionDate { get; set; }

    public virtual DateTime? DischargedDate { get; set; }

    public virtual string InstitutionCode { get; set; }

    public virtual string MsgType { get; set; }

    public virtual string HAR { get; set; }

    public virtual string CIPInd { get; set; }

    public virtual string ReferralHospital { get; set; }

    public virtual string ReferralType { get; set; }

    public virtual string VIPInd { get; set; }

    public virtual string VVIPInd { get; set; }

    public virtual string OpReferralHospital { get; set; }

    public virtual string OpReferralType { get; set; }

    public virtual string FCStatus { get; set; }

    public virtual string AccountStatus { get; set; }

    public virtual string OpVisitTypeDescription { get; set; }

    public virtual string OpVisitType_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string Accident_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string Accomodation_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string AdmissionType_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string ApptCat_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string LevelOfCare_Code { get; set; }
    public virtual long ?OpVisitTypeID { get; set; }

    public virtual string PointOfCare_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string Specialty_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string SubDocType_Code { get; set; }

    public virtual string InstitutionType { get; set; }

    public virtual string DischargeLocation { get; set; }

    public virtual long? EncounterId { get; set; }

    public virtual string PendingEventId { get; set; }

    public virtual string PendingRecordId { get; set; }
    public long? PatientId { get; set; }
    public long? AccomodationCode { get; set; }
    public long? AdmissionTypeId { get; set; }
    public long? LevelOfcareId { get; set; }
    public long? SubDocType { get; set; }
    public long? SpecialtyId { get; set; }
    public long? ExternalSourceId { get; set; }
    public long? Status { get; set; }
    public long? AccidentCode { get; set; }
    public long? AccomodationCodeReason { get; set; }
    public long? ApptCatCode { get; set; }
    public long? DischargeDisposition { get; set; }
    public long? LateDischargeReason { get; set; }
    public long? PointOfCare { get; set; }
    public long? TransferReason { get; set; }
    public long? VisitType { get; set; }
    public long? ResidentialStatus { get; set; }

    public EncounterMovementPlaceholder()


    public EncounterMovementPlaceholder(long? patientId, long? accomodationCode, long? admissionTypeId, long? levelOfcareId, long? subDocType, long? specialtyId, long? externalSourceId, long? status, long? accidentCode, long? accomodationCodeReason, long? apptCatCode, long? dischargeDisposition, long? lateDischargeReason, long? pointOfCare, long? transferReason, long? visitType, long? residentialStatus, string identificationText, long institutionId, DateTime admissionDate, DateTime dischargedDate, long opVisitTypeID, string institutionCode = null, string msgType = null, string hAR = null, string cIPInd = null, string referralHospital = null, string referralType = null, string vIPInd = null, string vVIPInd = null, string opReferralHospital = null, string opReferralType = null, string fCStatus = null, string accountStatus = null, string opVisitTypeDescription = null, string opVisitType_Code = null, string accident_Code = null, string accomodation_Code = null, string admissionType_Code = null, string apptCat_Code = null, string levelOfCare_Code = null, string pointOfCare_Code = null, string specialty_Code = null, string subDocType_Code = null, string institutionType = null, string dischargeLocation = null, long? encounterId = null, string pendingEventId = null, string pendingRecordId = null)

        Check.NotNull(identificationText, nameof(identificationText));
        Check.Length(identificationText, nameof(identificationText), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.IdentificationTextMaxLength, EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.IdentificationTextMinLength);
        Check.Length(msgType, nameof(msgType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.MsgTypeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(hAR, nameof(hAR), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.HARMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(cIPInd, nameof(cIPInd), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.CIPIndMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(referralHospital, nameof(referralHospital), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.ReferralHospitalMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(referralType, nameof(referralType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.ReferralTypeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(vIPInd, nameof(vIPInd), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.VIPIndMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(vVIPInd, nameof(vVIPInd), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.VVIPIndMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(opReferralHospital, nameof(opReferralHospital), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpReferralHospitalMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(opReferralType, nameof(opReferralType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpReferralTypeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(fCStatus, nameof(fCStatus), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.FCStatusMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(accountStatus, nameof(accountStatus), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.AccountStatusMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(opVisitTypeDescription, nameof(opVisitTypeDescription), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpVisitTypeDescriptionMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(opVisitType_Code, nameof(opVisitType_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpVisitType_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(accident_Code, nameof(accident_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.Accident_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(accomodation_Code, nameof(accomodation_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.Accomodation_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(admissionType_Code, nameof(admissionType_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.AdmissionType_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(apptCat_Code, nameof(apptCat_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.ApptCat_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(levelOfCare_Code, nameof(levelOfCare_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.LevelOfCare_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(pointOfCare_Code, nameof(pointOfCare_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.PointOfCare_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(specialty_Code, nameof(specialty_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.Specialty_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(subDocType_Code, nameof(subDocType_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.SubDocType_CodeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(institutionType, nameof(institutionType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.InstitutionTypeMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(dischargeLocation, nameof(dischargeLocation), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.DischargeLocationMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(pendingEventId, nameof(pendingEventId), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.PendingEventIdMaxLength, 0);
        Check.Length(pendingRecordId, nameof(pendingRecordId), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.PendingRecordIdMaxLength, 0);
        IdentificationText = identificationText;
        InstitutionId = institutionId;
        AdmissionDate = admissionDate;
        DischargedDate = dischargedDate;
        OpVisitTypeID = opVisitTypeID;
        InstitutionCode = institutionCode;
        MsgType = msgType;
        HAR = hAR;
        CIPInd = cIPInd;
        ReferralHospital = referralHospital;
        ReferralType = referralType;
        VIPInd = vIPInd;
        VVIPInd = vVIPInd;
        OpReferralHospital = opReferralHospital;
        OpReferralType = opReferralType;
        FCStatus = fCStatus;
        AccountStatus = accountStatus;
        OpVisitTypeDescription = opVisitTypeDescription;
        OpVisitType_Code = opVisitType_Code;
        Accident_Code = accident_Code;
        Accomodation_Code = accomodation_Code;
        AdmissionType_Code = admissionType_Code;
        ApptCat_Code = apptCat_Code;
        LevelOfCare_Code = levelOfCare_Code;
        PointOfCare_Code = pointOfCare_Code;
        Specialty_Code = specialty_Code;
        SubDocType_Code = subDocType_Code;
        InstitutionType = institutionType;
        DischargeLocation = dischargeLocation;
        EncounterId = encounterId;
        PendingEventId = pendingEventId;
        PendingRecordId = pendingRecordId;
        PatientId = patientId;
        AccomodationCode = accomodationCode;
        AdmissionTypeId = admissionTypeId;
        LevelOfcareId = levelOfcareId;
        SubDocType = subDocType;
        SpecialtyId = specialtyId;
        ExternalSourceId = externalSourceId;
        Status = status;
        AccidentCode = accidentCode;
        AccomodationCodeReason = accomodationCodeReason;
        ApptCatCode = apptCatCode;
        DischargeDisposition = dischargeDisposition;
        LateDischargeReason = lateDischargeReason;
        PointOfCare = pointOfCare;
        TransferReason = transferReason;
        VisitType = visitType;
        ResidentialStatus = residentialStatus;





Because there is no ConcurrencyStamp in the other table, so there is no concurrency check.

Hi, In both table I don't have ConcurrencyStamp but issue is encountered only in for 1 table, even though I'm doing same operation on both tables.



you can check the document

Hi, Thank you for sharing the link, I checked it, but I have one more question, I have one more table and I'm doing same update on both table but for the other table I never faced concurrency issue even though I don't have ConcurrencyStamp in other table. Why both tables are behaving differently?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 20, 2024, 13:06