Activities of "roberto.fiocchi"



Add the features present in AspNetZero RadTool to Abp Suite as the section "Other" where we can set "Advanced Filter", "List in UI" and "Create and Update".

And, if possible, reduce the number of template files used by Abp Suite also giving the possibility to indicate the sub-path where to save the files as it could be done in AspNetZero RadTool.

Thanks, Roberto

Actual version

  • ABP Framework version: v6.0.3
  • UI type: Blazor Web assembly
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes (Tiered)

We are migrating from AspNetZero to and we are developing a "monolithic" ERP type solution. We want to follow DDD approach and the solution will be developed with Commercial : Blazore Web Assembly and EF on SQL Server. To simplify the deployment we would like to use the Blazore WASM Hosted configuration as reported Being the article written for 6 we wanted to know if we could have problems with .NET 7 and 7 ? Will the Blazore WASM Hosted version always be supported by you and maybe integrated in the solutions managed by ABP CLI?

Thank you Roberto

Thanks, do you know if Blazor WASM Hosted will be introduced as abp-cli template?

When we open an issue, or another customer opens an issue, it would be nice to be able to follow the history on github, like it happens on aspnetzero.

When we work on a customer solution it becomes difficult to be able to share the code in order to allow support to replicate the error.

Enable the display of the change log also for the commercial and abp suite version, pre release included. Like:


It would be advisable that at least one day before each release of ABP (both preview, rc and other) and each maintenance, Volosoft sent an email alert with the time of the intervention (start - end) to us customers, so that even we can warn our customers.


I use Abp.Commercial to speed up the development of monolithic applications developed on customer request. I use abp suite to build the solution through Application Template, Blazor Web Assembly, Sql Server and Integrated Authentication Server.

I'd like to understand if it is possible to have this template also in Hosted version (single application server to Deploy)

I don't use microservices and I would like to have a template where I already have everything configured including:

  • User/Permission Management with Impersonation (aka OpenIddct and/or AzureAd)
  • Hangifre with Dashboard for Background jobs (Example: ETL import and export data files)
  • Email Sender (Example: To send an email following an event generated in the domain)
  • SignalR for Notification Service (Example: To send an alert notification in GUI) -(optional) Redis for Cache (To date I have only used it once on Azure, because on windows server on-premise it is difficult to install and maintain)

I don't use Docker, RabbitMQ or other services useful for microservices, but not necessary for a monolithic application with single server.

I don't use them because neither I nor my clients have people to dedicate for configuring and maintaining these services. So they should be transparent services for me because if I have to study how to configure and use them then I lose the advantage of using Abp.Commercial and therefore I can use Abp.Io directly avoiding the cost of the license.

What would be needed is a step-by-step guide to both deployment and correct configuration at least on Azure or IIS

The steps should be:

  • Generate solution from Abp
  • Change the configuration files like this:
    • If you use OpenIddct you do...
    • If you use Azure AD you do...
    • If you use MailSender you do...
    • If you want to add a BackgroundJob you do...
    • etc..
  • Launch the application locally
  • Publish to staging/test environment you follow this steps...
  • Publish to production environment you follow this steps...

A guide similar to: or


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 16, 2025, 11:47