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Activities of "roberto.fiocchi"

Hi, Thanks for the reply! This solution only works when a user correctly signs out of the application, which is a partial answer to my question. Is there no way to do the same also when a user closes the browser window or leaves the application website?


Can you provide me with a code example of the SignalR approach you are suggesting?


Thanks for the example! I have a couple questions:

  1. With SignalR automated reconnect turned on in the HUB connection, how can i know when a user has disconnected from the application rather then having lost connection and trying to reconnect?
  2. How do you handle hub connection in the Chat Module, is there any standard you use in Blazor WASM?
  3. If multiple hubs are registered, would they interfere with each others or live independetly without problems?

Thanks in advance.

11 months ago https://abp.io/qa/questions/3052/3a112b63-44ce-975c-4a5d-4e1eebde98cd

Using Blazor Wasm: Implement the real-time notification system already present in AspNetZero

P.S: We are having difficulties moving from AspNetZero to Abp framework with all of these features missing

When will this feature be implemented? https://docs.aspnetzero.com/aspnet-core-mvc/latest/Features-Mvc-Core-Notifications

It has been on the roadmap (https://abp.io/docs/latest/release-info/road-map#application-modules-ui-themes) for months and for us it has become important and urgent.

We waited thinking it was in development, but we've had no feedback on whether it actually was or not and when it would be ready. We won't make another custom implementation to be thrown away.

Can you provide me with some information about it?



I can't seem to be able to download the Chat Module source code, could you kindly send it to my email or explain the approach you used in the module?



Thanks for the help anyway. One last question regarding the logout: How can i redirect a user to the homepage after logout rather then the "You have been logged out" page?


I have done as you explained but when i press the logout button now it gives me the following error:

error_description:The specified 'post_logout_redirect_uri' is invalid.

It looks like in the url 'post_logout_redirect_uri' is still the old PostLoginRedirectUrl. How can i fix this?


        PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(serverBuilder =>

Seems to change the "Logout Url" (the url you go to when logging out) rather then "Post Logout Url" (the url you go to after having logged out).

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