We need to build a service that will manage sequential numbers across multiple modules.
ISequentialNumberManager _sequentialNumberManager
// Get the next ticket number
Ticket.Number = await _sequentialNumberManager.GetNextAsync("TicketNumber");
Should we simply create a module without a UI, or is there a better best practice?
Check the docs before asking a question: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/ Check the samples, to see the basic tasks: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/samples/index The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, please use the search on the homepage.
We have three instances of Redis running using different ports. redis-dev(port:6377) redis-test(port:6378), and redis-prod(port:6379). How do you change the Redis port configuration in appsettings?
NOTE: We tried this but it doesn't seem to work.
"Redis": {
"Configuration": ""
According to the comments here in the Acme.HelpDesk.Domain.Users.AppUser.cs, I should be able to extend AppUser by adding new properties. (i.e. public virtual Guid OrganizationId { get; set; }
Next, I would need to configure the mapping for the properties here: HelpDeskDbContext.OnModelCreating
Then I would need to update HelpDeskEfCoreEntityExtensionMappings
Finally, I created the migration; however, as you can see the FK mapping did not get created as expected.
How do I correct this?
I'm building a simple Help Desk application that will allow us to manager our support tickets and assign them to users who's belong to the Support Technician role. The Ticket entity is pretty simple.
.UseIdentityColumn(1000, 1);
to the Ticket's auto generated context model located here: HelpDeskDbContextModelCreatingExtensions.cs
builder.Entity<Ticket>(b =>
b.ToTable(HelpDeskConsts.DbTablePrefix + "Tickets", HelpDeskConsts.DbSchema);
b.Property(x => x.TenantId).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.TenantId));
b.Property(x => x.Number).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Number)).UseIdentityColumn(1000, 1);
b.Property(x => x.Tags).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Tags));
b.Property(x => x.Issue).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Issue));
b.Property(x => x.Solution).HasColumnName(nameof(Ticket.Solution));
I suspect this error is caused when the UpdateAsync(Id, Ticket) tries to update the Number identiy field.
How do I correct this issue? Note this also happens when I try to delete the ticket.
I'm assuming I need to modify the TicketAppService Update/Delete
public virtual async Task<TicketDto> UpdateAsync(Guid id, TicketUpdateDto input)
var ticket = await _ticketRepository.GetAsync(id);
ObjectMapper.Map(input, ticket);
var updatedTicket = await _ticketRepository.UpdateAsync(ticket);
return ObjectMapper.Map<Ticket, TicketDto>(updatedTicket);
Where is the AppUserDto located?
I am using abp cli and abp suite version As you can see in the domain project below, I followed Alper's instructions Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplate.dll from #48. However, I am still receiving this error.
<i>NOTE:</i> I did not receive any errors when restoring NuGet packages.
Module - (Created with abp cli 2.6.2 while logged in)
abp new Eagle.Aery.Core -t module-pro